copybot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
copybot copied to clipboard

#Copy #Telegram #Media #From #Chat #To #Another #Chat #In #Real-Time #Robot

📇 Copy Bot 📇

A Simple Bot can copy any media to a destination chat provided!


  • Add The Bot to Your destination channel as admin
  • You can add Bot as admin to any chat (Groups or Channels)
  • Bot will copy any media content send in to the above chats to the destination Channel !
  • For the above, You need to give a valid channel Id starting with '-100' in the var "Channel_ID"


No Bot commands, just add bot as admin in your source and destination Chats

TG_BOT_TOKEN - Your Bot Token (Obtain it from @botfather)
APP_ID - Your APP ID (Obtain it from
API_HASH - Your API Hash (Obtain it from
CHANNEL_ID - Channel ID to copy medias (Don't forget to fix a prefix '-100')

Deploying on Heroku:


Legendary Way:

On Linux Or VPS:

  • Make a file with the above vars (Edit sample_config and rename it)
  • Add Bot as admin in source and destination chats. (Even private chats will also copy)
  • Finally, run the following (Don't run as sudo)
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Dan for his Pyrogram Library