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HotReload in vMain and disable nodeIntegration errors
Hello, I installed your template right now. I had two difficulties, one is that it does not restart vMain if I change any files, just a hot reload in the renderer.
And another difficulty is that I deactivated "nodeIntegration" and activated "contextIsolation". And on my renderer console it is giving the error. Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
I appreciate if you can help me
Obs *: I am Brazilian, I am using google translate, sorry for the typos.
Hi @rospirski,
it does not restart vMain if I change any files
Hot reloading is not enabled for the Main process simply because it never works properly. If you try other plugins that provide this feature you'll notice that it's pretty much useless. So I decided not to integrate something that rarely works. But might look more into that in the future.
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
That's because you have not defined what modules to bundle in. If you disable nodeIntegration
you have to make sure that webpack bundles in all the dependencies used in your Renderer process. Just copy those dependency names from your package.json
and add them to vRenderer > bundleIn
. Like this.
vRenderer: {
bundleIn: [
Post an update once you try it.
About the hotreload I didn't know it was a problem, it's not something that will disturb me, just a lack of custom.
About the problem with nodeIntegration I did a clean installation of vue3 cli, with vuex, vue router, vue store, css-sass, and just followed the vuelectron installation step.
The installation is completely clean, I just modified electorn-main.js, changing these lines
nodeIntegration: false, contextIsolation: true, enableRemoteModule: false,
I uploaded it to a github repository for you to see.
I forgot to post the repository.
Hi @rospirski,
it does not restart vMain if I change any files
Hot reloading is not enabled for the Main process simply because it never works properly. If you try other plugins that provide this feature you'll notice that it's pretty much useless. So I decided not to integrate something that rarely works. But might look more into that in the future.
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
That's because you have not defined what modules to bundle in. If you disable
you have to make sure that webpack bundles in all the dependencies used in your Renderer process. Just copy those dependency names from yourpackage.json
and add them tovRenderer > bundleIn
. Like this.vRenderer: { bundleIn: [ 'core-js', 'vue', 'vue-router', 'vuex', 'my-dependency-1', 'my-dependency-2' ] }
Post an update once you try it.
I think I got a solution, but I hope you validate it.
In "vue.configs.js"
I changed the webpack target from "electron-renderer" to "web". And now the require error has stopped.
@rospirski I thought about that. I also thought that you could completely remove the externals
property if you're gonna avoid nodeIntegration
. But it should work without changing the target. Your approach is totally fine since the Electron renderer works exactly like a browser page without node capabilities. I'll look more into this and push some updates to change this behavior. I'll be keeping this issue open for now.
const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('api', {
send: (channel, data) => {
let validChannels = ['openUrl', 'minimize', 'close', 'openConfigs', 'startUpdateElectron', 'startUpdateClient', 'openClient', 'clientVerify']
if (validChannels.includes(channel)) {
ipcRenderer.send(channel, data)
on: (channel, func) => {
let validChannels = ['updateMessage', 'openExecError']
if (validChannels.includes(channel)) {
ipcRenderer.on(channel, (event, ...args) => func(...args))
I'm building a launcher for a game. With update system.
In the preload I inject only the ipc dependencies I need, and filter the channels. I found this on the internet and that's what I'm using at the moment. Making the renderer part entirely web.