pptx-template icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pptx-template copied to clipboard

Build PowerPoint presentation from template(pptx) and model(json) data like other template engines

pptx-template Build Status


pptx-template is a PowerPoint presentation builder.

This helps your routine reporting work that have many manual copy-paste from excel chart to powerpoint, or so.

  • Building a new powerpoint presentation file from a "template" pptx file which contains "id"
  • Import some strings and CSV data which is defined in a JSON config file or a Python dict
  • "id" in pptx template is expressed as a tiny DSL, like "{sales.0.june.us}"
  • requires python envirionment (3), pandas, python-pptx
  • for now, only UTF-8 encoding is supported for json, csv

Text substitution

CSV Import

Getting started


$ pip install pptx-template
$ echo '{ "slides": [ { "greeting" : "Hello!!" } ] }' > model.json

# prepare your template file (test.pptx) which contains "{greeting}" in somewhere

$ pptx-template --out out.pptx --template test.pptx --model model.json



Install using pyenv

git clone https://github.com/m3dev/pptx-template.git

pyenv install 3.7.1 # Install Python
pyenv shell 3.7.1 # Create Python shell

venv .venv # Create virtual environment for development
source .venv/bin/activate # Use the virtual environment for development

python setup.py develop         # Setup egg-info folder for development & Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt # Install dependencies

Run with REPL - Use this for development

Launch the Python REPL client

cd {project folder}
pyenv shell 3.7.1

Run the following with the Python REPL

import sys
from importlib import reload
import pptx_template.cli as cli

## Argument Settings
## sys.argv = ['{filename.py}', '--out', '{file/path/output.pptx}', '--template', '{file/path/template.pptx}', '--model', '{file/path/data.xlsx}', '--debug']
## Following is an example with test files
sys.argv = ['dummy.py', '--out', 'test/data3/out.pptx', '--template', 'test/data3/in.pptx', '--model', 'test/data3/in.xlsx', '--debug']

## Run the program

## Run the following after modifying the source code

Run via CLI

## pptx_template --out {file/path/output.pptx} --template {file/path/template.pptx} --model {file/path/data.xlsx}  --debug
pptx_template --out test/data3/out.pptx --template test/data3/in.pptx --model test/data3/in.xlsx  --debug

Run Tests


Deployment Process

  1. Create a feature branch
  2. Implement the new feature
  3. Test with all versions of Python
  4. Push changes to the feature branch
  5. Create a Pull Request on Github
  6. Request a code review
  7. Verify QA(If you want to verify QA、build the source in your local environment)
  8. Merge Pull Request
  9. Upload to PyPI(Only for PyPI repository administrators)

Upload to PyPI

  1. Install packages needed for uploading to PyPI
pip install wheel
pip install twine
  1. Compile
python setup.py bdist_wheel
  1. Upload to PyPI
twine upload dist/*