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[BUG]Wrong result(Sudden peak ) when use irate/rate/increase to smooth original points
when querying Counter
points which are stored in m3db, the irate/rate/increase show a different trend
by default or expected result, the rate graph should be smooth
I have tried query direct with m3query, m3coordinator, and prometheus->remote-read->m3coordinator
both show the same wrong result.
below is an irate result graph vs original points
m3dbnode --help
2021/11/02 17:27:23 Go Runtime version: go1.13.8
2021/11/02 17:27:23 Build Version: v0.15.9
2021/11/02 17:27:23 Build Revision: 1b7e6a758
2021/11/02 17:27:23 Build Branch: HEAD
2021/11/02 17:27:23 Build Date: 2020-08-12-15:32:29
2021/11/02 17:27:23 Build TimeUnix: 1597246349
./m3coordinator --help
2021/11/02 17:29:06 Go Runtime version: go1.13.8
2021/11/02 17:29:06 Build Version: v1.0.0
2021/11/02 17:29:06 Build Revision: a3853ee56
2021/11/02 17:29:06 Build Branch: HEAD
2021/11/02 17:29:06 Build Date: 2020-11-19-10:00:56
2021/11/02 17:29:06 Build TimeUnix: 1605780056
prometheus ver 2.15.2
./m3query --help
2021/11/02 17:31:13 Go Runtime version: go1.16.5
2021/11/02 17:31:13 Build Version: v1.3.0
2021/11/02 17:31:13 Build Revision: 4cd1b14a4
2021/11/02 17:31:13 Build Branch: HEAD
2021/11/02 17:31:13 Build Date: 2021-10-10-12:36:17
2021/11/02 17:31:13 Build TimeUnix: 1633869377
Prometheus config
scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
scrape_timeout: 10s
# scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).
# Alertmanager configuration
- static_configs:
- targets:
# Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'.
# - rules/*.rules
# - "first_rules.yml"
# - "second_rules.yml"
# m3db coodinator
- url: "http://localhost:7201/api/v1/prom/remote/read"
read_recent: true
remote_timeout: 1m
coordinator config
listenAddress: ""
# Configuration setting for generating metric IDs from tags.
idScheme: quoted
prefix: "coordinator"
handlerPath: /metrics
listenAddress: ZZZZZ:7203 # until https://github.com/m3db/m3/issues/682 is resolved
sanitization: prometheus
samplingRate: 1.0
extended: none
- namespaces:
# We created a namespace called "default" and had set it to retention "48h".
- namespace: unaggregated
retention: 168h
type: unaggregated
- namespace: aggregated
retention: 26888h
type: aggregated
resolution: 1m
env: default_env
zone: embedded
service: m3db
cacheDir: /data1/m3cache
- zone: embedded
# We have five M3DB nodes but only three are seed nodes, they are listed here.
- XXXXXXX:2379
- YYYYYYY:2379
writeConsistencyLevel: majority
# readConsistencyLevel: unstrict_majority
readConsistencyLevel: majority
writeTimeout: 10s
fetchTimeout: 15s
connectTimeout: 20s
initialBackoff: 500ms
backoffFactor: 3
maxRetries: 2
jitter: true
initialBackoff: 500ms
backoffFactor: 2
maxRetries: 3
jitter: true
backgroundHealthCheckFailLimit: 4
backgroundHealthCheckFailThrottleFactor: 0.5
Expected result
this is another sidecar cluster scrape data with Prometheus and write directly to Prometheus, given right result
@naughtyGitCat is the raw prom metric data equivalent to the raw m3db data? Could you post a dump of datapoints from both raw timeseries (prom vs m3db)? We can try to re-pro in a test case.
Same problem. both raw result from prom and m3db are the same but irate function on m3db returns all values zero.
any update?