RASEv1 copied to clipboard
adb unknow command
Hi Windows 10 with avd Android 9. It says:
============ [+] Extract Emulator Name via ADB [+] AVD Emulator Name : [+]================================================================================================================================ [+] Respawn ADB to Root [+]================================================================================================================================ [+] Locating 'su' binary to replace adb.exe: unknown command which su [+] Location of 'su' binary in AVD : [+]================================================================================================================================ [+] Check '/' mount status adb.exe: unknown command cat /proc/mounts | grep -iw [+]================================================================================================================================ [+] Mount 'tmpfs' on adb.exe: unknown command mount -t tmpfs -o size=15M tmpfs [+]================================================================================================================================ [+] Confirm whether 'tmpfs' is mounted on '' adb.exe: unknown command cat /proc/mounts | grep ' [+]=========================================================
Any help please? Thanks
Give me some time on this, please Completely swamped with work.
Will get back to you soon on this. Thanks
Also, try RASEv2 rather than RASEv1. That has more features
Will wait for your revert till this weekend, else will close the case. Thanks for reaching out.
Happened to me as well, I did a bit of debugging and I found RASE couldn't start the emulator because of no ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable being set.
Also, if you have spaces in the emulator path, and you correctly quote them into config.txt like C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Android\...
RASE will say emulator.exe is found but doesn not manage to start it..