I would think the plugin's code is agnostic and you just compile it for the platform you're running it on. However I'm not sure about 64 bit support for this...
Submit a pull request so I can look at it.
I’m wondering if it may be the new version of PhoneGap? I originally developed the plugin to run with 3.0 or 3.1. From: efen800 [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014...
It hasn't been resolved as far as I know. What version of the iOS SDK are you using?
I developed the plugin with version 3.3.11 of the iOS SDK. Are you using a later version?
Oh my bad I was thinking the Aviary version not the Cordova version. I have only tested this with Cordova version 3.2.
Thanks for your feedback, if you ever determine the proper way to launch the editor without the delay hack please let me know.
> change the import of ReactDOMServer to be from either "react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server-legacy.browser.development" or "react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server-legacy.browser.production.min.js" instead of reactdom/server I already abandoned this, just too many issues trying to get it to work...
Thanks, a cleaner solution for the bug than mine.
Yes it is weird that Adobe has not yet made an official Cordova plugin for Aviary, I think that's what everyone is banking on. The problem with this particular plugin...