Miłosz Smółka

Results 51 comments of Miłosz Smółka

I guess logical decoding could be used, as in debezium: https://debezium.io/docs/connectors/postgresql/ Although I'm not sure if there is a library for Go at the moment.

Hey @joeblew99. Do you mean other microservices communicating with watermill-based applications? If so, it shouldn't be an issue, as the messages are not any special when consumed/produced by watermill (except...

Hey! It seems you use a config that makes the handlers behave like they're in the same consumer group. See the docs: https://watermill.io/pubsubs/amqp/#amqp-consumer-groups

Hey @danielcanessa, thanks for the proposal. The disadvantages that you list are actually there by design, as Pub/Subs are distributed by nature. I guess you would like to use this...

Hey @danielcanessa. So I have another proposal that should allow you to achieve the same thing without modifying the `Message`. We could change the GoChannel implementation so that it passes...

Hey @danielcanessa. The implementation should be straightforward - in the line I've mentioned, in the gochannel Pub/Sub, we could copy the message's `Context()`, wrap it with cancel and pass to...

Hey. You can use your own CQRS marshaler if you implement the correct interface. You could just copy the one provided with Watermill and switch the library to golang/protobuf. In...

Hey, sure you can. A simple CQRS example is here: https://github.com/ThreeDotsLabs/watermill/tree/master/_examples/basic/5-cqrs-protobuf

Hey. Replacing the publisher and subscriber with GoChannel should be enough, as you did. Does it work for you, or are there any issues with it?

Hey @breml! I think both approaches sound good / better than the current solution. I'm happy to review a PR.