This would be a great feature to have! +1
Hi @RajkiranBagal Thanks for taking the time to look into this! Here's the link you requested: https://www.combell.com/nl/blog/betaalmethoden-voor-je-webshop/ Kind regards
Hi @AbhijitNage123 Unfortunately regenerating the assets, clearing cache and refreshing did not fix the issue. Enabling or disabling separate CSS and JS files for UAG blocks did not do anything...
Hey @RajkiranBagal Here's the output of the Table of Contents copy: ``
Hi @RajkiranBagal I've installed the plugin version from your ZIP file, then re-added the Table Of Contents block, cleared cache and refreshed the page but the additional empty li tags...
Hi @RajkiranGajananBagal Thanks for your help! I don't have the time to setup a staging environment right now, however I did look into this issue some more. The plugin is...
Hey @RajkiranBagal The updated ZIP fixes the issue! Thank you
True, any chance of seeing this added in the near future?
+1 for a dark theme! Really awesome project by the way @godesign
Take a look at https://github.com/ftlabs/fastclick