tree-sitter-sql copied to clipboard
MultiPolygon is confused with ON
Given the SQL:
ALTER TABLE geoheader
ADD COLUMN geom geometry(MultiPolygon, 4269);
The parser produces:
source_file (0, 3) - (2, 0)
alter_statement (0, 3) - (1, 25)
ALTER (0, 3) - (0, 8) "ALTER"
alter_table (0, 9) - (1, 25)
TABLE (0, 9) - (0, 14) "TABLE"
identifier (0, 15) - (0, 24) "geoheader"
alter_table_action (1, 1) - (1, 25)
alter_table_action_add (1, 1) - (1, 25)
ADD (1, 1) - (1, 4) "ADD"
COLUMN (1, 5) - (1, 11) "COLUMN"
table_column (1, 12) - (1, 25)
identifier (1, 12) - (1, 16) "geom"
type (1, 17) - (1, 25)
identifier (1, 17) - (1, 25) "geometry"
ERROR (1, 25) - (1, 45)
( (1, 25) - (1, 26) "("
ERROR (1, 26) - (1, 36) "MultiPolyg"
ON (1, 36) - (1, 38) "on"
, (1, 38) - (1, 39) ","
) (1, 44) - (1, 45) ")"
; (1, 45) - (1, 46) ";"