Matt Jamieson
Matt Jamieson
Would this be simplified at all if replicated results were only guaranteed to repeat exactly for a given seed when the version of openLCA and the product system are the...
Thanks for pointing out the difference and the csv version! I'm sure it would've been helpful to us before now. I welcome whatever other information you can provide on the...
I think the bulk data when we first developed this was only 1GB or something. Originally my concerns were with the time it took to process the file, and I...
Well this seems problematic. Based on this [FERC webpage](, it seems like FERC has largely given up on trying to track this data themselves. Regarding your questions: 1. I'm sure...
I don't have an immediate negative reaction to using the EIA regions (Southeast, Midwest, Northwest, Southwest, California, Carolinas, Texas, Florida, New England, New York, Mid-Atlantic, Central, Tennessee). I might need...
Well the mapping I believe is from EIA region to FERC region, so we shouldn't need to evaluate each BAA. The BAAs are already mapped to EIA regions in the...
I agree that can be changed - can either add a new sheet for Mexico or change the "Canada" sheet to "International" or something. Are we updating this for the...
The StEWI question is one for @bl-young. Can we use that API as-is without having to get a key, etc.? One alternative solution that I believe I discussed with Ben...
I don't think we're quite ready for API calls in the elci right? I know it's coming, but right now, I would want to avoid users having to get their...