radio-player icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
radio-player copied to clipboard

Android radio player example with ExoPlayer

Results 13 radio-player issues
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Project requires Android studio 3.6, which is unavailable. Latest version is 3.4.1 for Mac.

Not works in SDK 30.. please update

Hi and thanks for the example. Making some tests with your code I try to get the strem metadata, adding the following listener at the RadioService / exoplayer exoPlayer.addMetadataOutput(new MetadataOutput()...

Can you tell me how to make an image next to the names of radios

Source code not working in sdk 28, it always crash when click on list of channel after upgrade in sdk 28... @m-cakir

When users play an audio for the first time it works perfectly but when users closes the app from background while playing the audio.The audio stops but when user open...

Hi, how can i do to play more than one json ? thank

hello is it possible to have buttons with links rather than having a list

SouthCastPlayer.RadioService not propely bind plz let me know how to fix it this issue. SouthCastPlayer.RadioService.isPlaying()' on a null object reference