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Django integration for Laravel Mix

Django Mix

Django integration for Laravel Mix

Laravel Mix helper in python representation to easy usage with laravel-mix npm package in Django projects.



pip install djangomix

Note: Do not forget to include the package in requirements

Laravel Mix NPM package:

Follow instructions on Laravel Mix webpage

Please, see example of webpack.mix.js configration below.


Add 'djangomix' to INSTALLED APPS in Django config


Include in base.html (or any other template)

{% load mix %}

Use mix template tag in your templates to load scripts, styles,...

Note: Second parameter is path to manifest.json

<script src="{% mix 'build/app.js' 'polls/static' %}"></script>

The paths are related to webpack.mix.js configuration.

You can set path for manifest dir and public path also in Django settings

PUBLIC_URL = getattr(settings, 'LARAVELMIX_PUBLIC_URL', settings.STATIC_URL)

Example configration of webpack.mix.js:

let mix = require('laravel-mix');

let staticPath = 'polls/static/build'
let resourcesPath = 'polls/resources'

mix.setResourceRoot('/static/build') // setResroucesRoots add prefix to url() in scss on example: from /images/close.svg to /static/images/close.svg

mix.setPublicPath('polls/static') // Path where mix-manifest.json is created

// if you don't need browser-sync feature you can remove this lines
if (process.argv.includes('--browser-sync')) {

// Now you can use full mix api
mix.js(`${resourcesPath}/js/app.js`, `${staticPath}/`)
mix.sass(`${resourcesPath}/sass/app.scss`, `${staticPath}/`)

Do you have problem with setup? Read how to setup and start with Vue in Django

Maintained by: Marek Racík from IdeaLoop