owod t1_train all_task_test Dataset OWDetection Number of datapoints: 16551 Root location: /home/dgp/code/OWOD/datasets/VOC2007 [['train'], Compose( Compose( ) )] Dataset OWDetection Number of datapoints: 10246 Root location: /home/dgp/code/OWOD/datasets/VOC2007 [['test'], Compose( Compose( )...
> > In OW-DETR, the authors declared that they used the replay mathod to prevent the model from catastrophically forgetting what it have learnt, but I cannot find the corresponding...
> Thank you for your work. I saw that you successfully reproduced owod, and I encountered a problem during the process of reproducing owod Task 1. Have you also encountered...
> I think it's a problem with the PyTorch version because I can run it normally after lowering the version. May I ask which version of pytorch you are using?...
Have you completed the TensorRT acceleration for YOLO-World? If so, that's really great work.