
Results 48 comments of 明夷居士

> n年后又一次见到这个话题 活捉智爷

``` "@ant-design/pro-components": "2.3.7", "@ant-design/pro-layout": "6.38.22", ``` ProLayout组件先用`@ant-design/[email protected]`先顶着,其他组件用components包

> 是的 `@ant-design/pro-layout` 6.x 的版本是没有问题的。 等作者fix了😼

Declare a component like this, props are props that default to the browser’s native tags. Props cannot get name and age...😟 It seems to be inconsistent with the expected behavior,...

> > Declare a component like this, props are props that default to the browser’s native tags. Props cannot get name and age...😟 It seems to be inconsistent with the...


ok, My current idea is to do this with dictionary mapping.