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Code and dataset for CVPR 2019 paper "Learning Binary Code for Personalized Fashion Recommendation"

Fashion Hash Net


This responsitory contains the code of paper Learning Binary Code for Personalized Fashion Recommendation

Required Packages

  • pytorch
  • torchvision
  • PIL
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • tqdm: A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI
  • lmdb: A universal Python binding for the LMDB 'Lightning' Database.
  • yaml: PyYAML is a full-featured YAML framework for the Python programming language.
  • visdom: To start a visdom server run python -m visdom.server

I upgraded the version of PyTorch to 1.2.0 and the package dependency is solved automatically with conda.

The last 4 packages can be install via conda:

conda install python-lmdb pyyaml visdom tqdm -c conda-forge

How to Use the Code

The main script scripts/ currently supports the following functions:

    # train models
    "train": train,
    # runing the FITB task
    "fitb": fitb,
    # evaluate pairs accuracy
    "evaluate-accuracy": evalute_accuracy,
    # evaluate NDCG and AUC
    "evaluate-rank": evalute_rank,
    # compute the binary codes
    "extract-features": extract_features,


There are three main modules in polyvore:

  • module for polyvore-dataset
  • polyvore.model: module for fashion hash net
  • polyvore.solver: module for training

For configurations, see polyvore.param, and we give some examples in cfg folder. The configuration file was written in yaml format.


To train FHN-T3 with both visual and semantic features, run the following script:

scripts/ train --cfg ./cfg/train/FHN_VSE_T3_630.yaml


To evaluate the accuracy of positive-negative pairs:

scripts/ evaluate-accuracy --cfg ./cfg/evalute/FHN_VSE_T3_630.yaml

To evaluate the rank quality:

scripts/ evaluate-rank --cfg ./cfg/evaluate-rank/FHN_VSE_T3_630.yaml

To evaluate the FITB task:

scripts/ fitb --cfg ./cfg/fitb/FHN_VSE_T3_630.yaml

How to Use the Polyvore-$U$s

  1. Download the data from OneDrive and put the polyvore folder under data;

  2. Unzip the polyvore/images/291x291.tar.gz;

  3. Use script/ to convert images and save in data/polyvore/lmdb.

script/ data/polyvore/images/291x291 data/polyvore/images/lmdb

The lmdb format can accelerate the load of images and set as default in configuration. If you don't want to use the lmdb format, change the setting to use_lmdb: false in yaml files.

See <data/> for details

How to Cite

author = {Lu, Zhi and Hu, Yang and Jiang, Yunchao and Chen, Yan and Zeng, Bing},
title = {{Learning Binary Code for Personalized Fashion Recommendation}},
booktitle = {CVPR},
year = {2019}


Email: [email protected]