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通过 GitHub Actions 自动在 Fly.io 上部署 V2Ray

Results 3 v2ray4flyio issues
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搭建在香港的节点被邮件警告,说搭建代理应用是收费服务,24小时之内不删除应用的话将扣取费用。原文如下: > [Fly.io] flhk requires a paid plan > > Hello! You are receiving this email because you deployed an application (flhk.fly.dev) that is not allowed in our free tier....

##[debug]Evaluating condition for step: 'Deploy' ##[debug]Evaluating: success() ##[debug]Evaluating success: ##[debug]=> true ##[debug]Result: true ##[debug]Starting: Deploy ##[debug]Loading inputs ##[debug]Loading env Run sh ./deploy.sh ##[debug]/usr/bin/bash -e /home/runner/work/_temp/6f387e78-f1[2](https://github.com/peepee178/beefly/actions/runs/3126203059/jobs/5072091323#step:3:2)9-45c0-ae9a-9b5d8a65dd50.sh Could not resolve command -...

Hi, im new here please anyone help me. ![Screenshot 2022-11-18 032526](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/118489871/202581637-d9fc838a-bc88-4cf3-8686-8c3088acd082.png)