vim-rtags copied to clipboard
jump list cause undotree change
HI dear lyuts, I find the undo tree will be changed when I using vim-rtags jump some times. I try to find out what cause it. then I think I find a bug about vim-rtags: in plugin/rtags.vim
rtags#JumpTo() call rtags#getCurrentLocation() to get then current locaition.
rtags#getCurrentLocation() using return printf("%s:%s:%s", expand("%"), lnum, col) to return the location. here expand("%") will got the relative file path. so then g:rtagsJumpStack list will storage a relative file path.
when We need jump back we call rtags#JumpBack() and it get the last location for g:rtagsJumpStack then call rtags#jumpToLocationInternal(jump_file, lnum, col).
in rtags#jumpToLocationInternal function , there have follow code:
if a:file != expand("%:p")
exe "e ".a:file
call cursor(a:line, a:col)
return 1
catch /.*/
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg v:exception
echohl None
return 0
here using expand("%:p"), then it well get the absolute file path, cause of a:file is relative file path. so this well always ture even if we jump back in a same file, so the exe "e ".a:file will always called. then problam is come from here:
I test in the vim and find that: if we using ":edit" command to reopen the same file which is opening. the undo tree ofen will change even the file do not change any longer. (using the ":echo undotree()" cmd can see it). bacause of it, vim-rtags's jump back function will ofen case undotree change when we jump back in a same file.
I suggest we can save the absolute file path in the g:rtagsJumpStack, because the relative file path well cause jump back failed when user set the 'autochdir' in the vimrc(the "pwd" path will change when user open a file not in current dir after vim open). the absolate file path will no this probalm.
here have some other suggest:
- filter the same posotion when save jump list:
function! rtags#saveLocation()
let [lnum, col] = getpos('.')[1:2]
let oldpos = get(g:rtagsJumpStack, -1)
if oldpos[0] != expand("%:p") || oldpos[1] != lnum
call rtags#pushToStack([expand("%:p"), lnum, col])
- using ’normal zz‘ to let cursor always in the middle of window when jump back.