solarized icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
solarized copied to clipboard

Settings for various editors customized with the dark Solarized color scheme

Solarized Color Schemes

This repo holds settings for various editors customised with the dark Solarized colour scheme.

Visual Studio 2015

VS2015 screenshot

Use the Visual Studio 2015 Color Theme Editor extension, import the VS2015.vstheme file.

This extends the in-built dark solarized theme from the extension with many fixes and settings that have been omitted including the following:

  • Fix operator settings (from incorrect black setting to same as text)
  • Types set to yellow instead of orange
  • XML Doc comments settings
  • Pre-processor directives set to orange
  • Find Match Highlight (Ctrl+F) - magenta
  • Some VsVim settings to match overall theme

Visual Studio 2013

VS2013 screenshot

Tools -> Import and Export Settings -> Import selected environment settings using the VS2013.vssettings file.


Notepad2 screenshot

To load settings: View -> Customize Schemes -> Import

Powershell ISE (v4+ in Windows 8.1 & Windows 10)

Powershell ISE screenshot

Either use Tools -> Options -> Manage Themes -> Import

or source the Theme-Solarized.ps1 script from the Console window:

D:\dev\solarized>. Theme-Solarized.ps1