Alexey Radkov

Results 61 comments of Alexey Radkov

Плагин не переводит такие штуки. Я сказал _штуки_, потому что `CTRL-R` - это не маппинг режима Ввода, а встроенная фича vim. Чтобы просмотреть все маппинги, введите ``` :imap ``` в...

Кстати, если вы пользуетесь вставкой `[a-z]`, то на данный момент реализации все что можно сделать - это вручную переключать раскладку для ввода символа из `[a-z]`, но это действительно можно поправить...

Попробуйте, заработает ли новая версия.

What is content of your file pointed by `:echo g:XkbSwitchIMappingsTrData`?

By some reason the regexp check for empty lines in the plugin code ``` vim if line =~ '\(^\s*#\|^\s*$\)' continue endif ``` is not working in your environment. I just...

Hi @doronbehar, I cannot really list advantages (if there are any) of this plugin before `keymap` because I never used the latter :) But there is an important difference: `vim-xkbswitch`...

1. Yes, exactly. *IMappings* stands for *Insert Mode Mappings*, and yes there are *duplicates* in the sense that when you, for example, have an Insert Mode mapping `Ctrl-Q`, then you'll...

Try with ```vim let g:XkbSwitchDynamicKeymap = 1 ``` added. By some reason it does not work for me too, when it's not set.

Ok, now I see how keymap assistance must work. Actually it's written in docs but it was surprisingly uneasy to remember how I implemented it and how it must work....

What you have described is what I am really getting in my Vim too (except I have custom signalling for old Powerline plugin, not airline, but see below). And, surprisingly......