WP-nginx-config copied to clipboard
Basic Nginx + WordPress setup
Basic Nginx + WordPress setup
It is compiled from our production setup. It is not suitable for Copy&Paste to production use without edits.
Main features
- extended configuration via "features includes"
- PHP5/PHP7 support
- SSL confing based on "Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator" recommendations
- Let's Encrypt enabled (OCSP Stapling included)
- clientside static resources caching and serverside open files descriptors caching
- gzip compression
- CloudFlare support
- optional GeoIP blocking
- optional Nginx Microcache settings
- optional basic HTTP auth
- Basic & WordPress Security
- prevent HTTP Poxy
- prevent Slow Loris (optional)
- blocking common hacking tools and uncommon HTTP methods
- usernames harvesting denial
- blocking access to files with sensitive informaion and VCS systems
- blocking PHP in uploads directory
- blocking empty referres into comments, login and ajax
- blocking suspicious queries (based on iThemes Security blacklist)
- adding basic security headers
Extra configs
Look at extras folder
- mu-plugins - small mu-plugin for WordPress
- Enhancer
- enable bcryp hashes for user passwords
- filter out sensitive user info from rest API
- change status code of failed logins to 401
- Mail Fixer
- fix Return-Path header
- set SMTP server
- Team Cookie
- allow to exclude web related users from analytics via special cookie
- MO Cache
- simple file system cache for gettext translations
- fail2ban rules - block many 404, block failed logins
- log rotate - log rotate rule for nginx logs
- php-fpm - basic PHP-FPM pool with open-basedir and disable_functions