ng-token-auth icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ng-token-auth copied to clipboard

"Cannot read property 'resolve' of null" on $auth.validateToken() and "user_signed_in?" always false

Open srghma opened this issue 8 years ago • 9 comments

Application code This error is related to this and this

My actions:

  1. $auth.submitLogin({email: "[email protected]", password: "melgaardbjorn"}) All fine, userIsAuthenticated = true but on refresh p #{user_signed_in?} is false and all api actions, which trigger before_action :authenticate_user! dont process, example:
# console{title: "poll2"})
# log
Started POST "/api/polls" for ::1 at 2016-06-05 11:37:16 +0300
Processing by PollsController#create as JSON
  Parameters: {"title"=>"poll2", "poll"=>{"title"=>"poll2"}}
Filter chain halted as :authenticate_user! rendered or redirected
Completed 401 Unauthorized in 2ms (Views: 0.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
  1. $auth.validateToken() return successful promise, but trigger
# on chrome console
TypeError: Cannot read property 'resolve' of null
    at Object.resolveDfd (ng-token-auth.self-8a84fb0….js?body=1:334)
    at Object.handleValidAuth (ng-token-auth.self-8a84fb0….js?body=1:531)
    at ng-token-auth.self-8a84fb0….js?body=1:444
    at angular.self-a3680ff….js?body=1:11321
    at processQueue (angular.self-a3680ff….js?body=1:16105)
    at angular.self-a3680ff….js?body=1:16121
    at Scope.$eval (angular.self-a3680ff….js?body=1:17379)
    at Scope.$digest (angular.self-a3680ff….js?body=1:17192)
    at Scope.scopePrototype.$digest (hint.js:1364)
    at Scope.$apply (angular.self-a3680ff….js?body=1:17487)
# log
Started GET "/api/auth/validate_token" for ::1 at 2016-06-05 11:41:02 +0300
Processing by DeviseTokenAuth::TokenValidationsController#validate_token as JSON
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."uid" = ? LIMIT 1  [["uid", "[email protected]"]]
   (0.1ms)  begin transaction
  User Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = ? LIMIT 1   [["id", 3]]
  SQL (0.2ms)  UPDATE "users" SET "tokens" = ?, "updated_at" = ? WHERE "users"."id" = ?  [["tokens", "{\"t3nZlr0E895VfQ0nLGhAXw\":{\"token\":\"$2a$10$VRIF.UK.sIDoI3lB5MeliuJcHQ0.DxTQLPea0V0cmgLrB0S1gUvw6\",\"expiry\":1466321224,\"last_token\":\"$2a$10$NWqSoAycEppP4EUfOCv.COSdC2vsb9dbosOG7BNzatXFBXtz34/d2\",\"updated_at\":\"2016-06-05T10:27:04.343+03:00\"},\"OEwI8gbTj8TEolR7n_jjzg\":{\"token\":\"$2a$10$IcY7IVEWcdr2qylHHLGa/.KaGc6wCcOxmTD5bdz/MMZNact7n/sye\",\"expiry\":1466321700,\"last_token\":\"$2a$10$cP0M9OCBNKec7J2OipAvl.orOIA7/3qCeplqilkDEnciVdptPa54W\",\"updated_at\":\"2016-06-05T10:35:00.660+03:00\"},\"rkBYjwN2ilEVzfrh3FKO7w\":{\"token\":\"$2a$10$KILfgu.8Tffz/CRrh17xZ.EaT1q4hWiZPKqdC/PdRqWNCtb9XNwMi\",\"expiry\":1466325662,\"last_token\":\"$2a$10$8PVVcuhB1S4iCYS2YHaS1ez75NRZwDtSm8P5/LpW.a5bpOZreqjdW\",\"updated_at\":\"2016-06-05T11:41:02.688+03:00\"}}"], ["updated_at", "2016-06-05 08:41:02.689389"], ["id", 3]]
   (4.0ms)  commit transaction
Completed 200 OK in 176ms (Views: 0.3ms | ActiveRecord: 4.6ms)

srghma avatar Jun 05 '16 08:06 srghma

On rails 5.0.0.rc1 situation is the same

  • devise (4.0.3)
  • devise_token_auth (0.1.37)

srghma avatar Jun 07 '16 16:06 srghma

I'm having the same issue. On signout it even complains that there's no user to sign out.

trevor-ryan-burkholder avatar Jun 15 '16 05:06 trevor-ryan-burkholder

@TBurk83 , i forsake the idea of using this gem and moved to angular-devise, if you need token authentication, try tiddle

srghma avatar Jun 15 '16 12:06 srghma

@BjornMelgaard Would that approach work even if my Angular client was living on a different server than my Rails API? I haven't kept up with the core Devise gem in a while.

trevor-ryan-burkholder avatar Jun 15 '16 13:06 trevor-ryan-burkholder

@TBurk83 , maybe this will help

srghma avatar Jun 15 '16 19:06 srghma

@BjornMelgaard Yeah, already using rack-cors. Thanks, though!

The angular-devise method you mentioned seems promising. I was just wondering if there were any drawbacks to using it versus token-based authentication. Personally, I am done trying to get this gem and module to work after a very frustrating day and a half.

trevor-ryan-burkholder avatar Jun 15 '16 19:06 trevor-ryan-burkholder

I was trying to get this gem to work about a month. I questioned this too, but didnt find anything, If you find out, let me know, thanks)

srghma avatar Jun 15 '16 19:06 srghma

The issue seems to be fixed by 888f251157e1d24ce35e6f466e6ff5a22c31bd36 which wasn't released yet, you can easily test it:

bower install

@booleanbetrayal @lynndylanhurley Could you tag a new release, please?

deric avatar Nov 13 '16 21:11 deric

It was by no means fixed , it won't trigger the error but it won't do anything also it just returns if there is no dfd which it won't ever be.

              $ + this.getConfig(opts.config).emailSignInPath, params, httpopts).success((function(_this) {
                return function(resp) {
                  var authData;
                  authData = _this.getConfig(opts.config).handleLoginResponse(resp, _this);
                  return $rootScope.$broadcast('auth:login-success', _this.user);

dfd is initialized wih $q.defer(); and all if fine. then this gets called _this.handleValidAuth(authData);. Here _this.dfd is null even though $q.defer() remains a promise. In that function this.resolveDfd() gets called but since this is actually _this and _this.dfd was null this.dfd will also be null. Please fix this :)

Skillvendor avatar Nov 27 '16 12:11 Skillvendor