ng-token-auth copied to clipboard
Keep getting {"errors":["Authorized users only."]}. Auth headers not set
I can register and log in successfully but after that all requests to the server for does not include these headers access-token, expiry, Referer, token-type, uid and hence i keep getting {"errors":["Authorized users only."]}. When i do a validateUser it sends the headers and validates successfully. Is there anything else i am missing? This is my .config .config(function($authProvider) { $authProvider.configure({ apiUrl: '/api' }); })
same problem here, are you using ng-resource too?
Solved with this:
Yes ng-resource as well
Can you post an example of your service?
'use strict';
angular.module('app').service('Adapter', ['$q','$resource', function Adapter($q,$resource) {
var resMgr = {
models: {}
resMgr.getName = function(model) {
model = model.replace(/-/gi, '_');
model = model.underscore().split('_');
model = model.slice(0, model.length - 1).join('_').camelize() + model[model.length - 1].classify();
return model;
resMgr.getUrl = function(model) {
model = model.underscore().split('_');
model = model.slice(0, model.length - 1).join('_').camelize() + model[model.length - 1].pluralize().camelize();
return model.underscore();
resMgr.getModel = function (model, config) {
config = config || {}; = model = this.getName(model);
if(!config.url) config.url = this.getUrl(model);
if(!config.key) config.key = model.underscore();
if(!config.display) config.display = model.underscore().titleize();
if(!config.displays) config.displays = config.url.titleize();
return config;
resMgr.register = function (model, apiUrl, params, config) {
model = this.getName(model);
params = params || {id: '@id'};
config = config || {};
if(!this.models[model]) {
var klass = $resource(apiUrl, params, {
query: { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
update: { method: 'PUT' }
app.factory(model, function () {
return klass;
this.models[model] = this.getModel(model, config);
this.models[model]['apiUrl'] = apiUrl;
this.models[model]['klass'] = klass;
return this.models[model];
resMgr.query = function (model, data, callback) {
var d = $q.defer(); model = this.getName(model);
this.models[model]['klass'].query(data, function (response, headers) {
if(response.error || response.errors) {
} else {
callback && callback(response, headers('_meta_total'));
}, function (response) { console.log(response) });
return d.promise;
resMgr.get = function (model, data, callback) {
var d = $q.defer(); model = this.getName(model);
this.models[model]['klass'].get(data, function (response, headers) {
response.error? d.reject(response) : d.resolve(response);
callback && callback(response);
}, function (response) { console.log(response) });
return d.promise;
resMgr.create = function (model, data, callback) {
var d = $q.defer(); model = this.getName(model);
new this.models[model]['klass'](data).$save(function (response) {
response.error? d.reject(response) : d.resolve(response);
callback && callback(response);
}, function (response) { console.log(response) });
return d.promise;
resMgr.update = function (model, data, callback) {
var d = $q.defer(); model = this.getName(model);
new this.models[model]['klass'](data).$update(function (response) {
response.error? d.reject(response) : d.resolve(response);
callback && callback(response);
}, function (response) { console.log(response) });
return d.promise;
resMgr.delete = function (model, data, callback) {
var d = $q.defer(); model = this.getName(model);
new this.models[model]['klass'](data).$delete(function (response) {
response.error? d.reject(response) : d.resolve(response);
callback && callback(response);
}, function (response) { console.log(response) });
return d.promise;
window.Adapter = resMgr;
return resMgr;
I noticed i get the problem when i use my resMgr.register(). But even after careful observation there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the function
I had the same error using Rails as backend, after days researching I found the problem resided on the rails side(nothing to do with Authorization). The error message was a bit misleading. Check your backend related logic. My 2 cents.
@ronniebermejo what was wrong in your rails?
@IamNaN i had a method named ''transaction' which was overwriting a super method. So my learning was the 'auth error' could mean 'a generic error' on the rails side.
Another possible fact: When you use cancan (or cancancan actually) you need to define correctly the permissions, locally sometimes that just ignored, but in the server (heroku for example) they can piss you up. @IamNaN @ronniebermejo