licode copied to clipboard
TokenId and roomId are undefined in Room.js when running basicExample.js
Steps to reproduce the issue:
- Download docker image as shown here
- Find your public IP address (Google 'my ip address')
- Plug that IP address into the command shown on same link as above and start running docker conainer.
Describe the results you received: When visiting localhost:3001, console prints "INFO: (Room) message: Connecting to room, tokenId: undefined, roomId: undefined". That is, the specInput argument of Room.js in Erizo does not have these attributes. Assumingly as a result of this, the demo doesn't show anything but my own webcam stream.
Furthermore, the test_connection.html path also shows nothing of interest other than the headings "This page tests your connectivity to Licode server", "Local video (got from your local camera)", "Subscribed video (how other participant will see you once your local video is published)". Only this text shows, nothing else on the page, no streams, no graphs etc as i expect should.
Describe the results you expected: Demo works as intended - not exactly sure what this should be.
Licode commit/release where the issue is happening Latest master
Additional environment details (Local, AWS, Docker, etc.): Docker
this also happens on AWS when built from code.
#1626 Fixes a couple of the issues you encountered.
- erizoClient was not properly logging the token when joining a room
- The connection test page was not working because of an issue when there are no attributes in the stream.
That said, those issues do not affect the functionality of the BasicExample page. You are supposed to only see your own video unless you also join the room with another computer (or with another tab in the same computer). Also, if you are running the docker container locally you don't need your public internet IP to make it work, your local IP is enough and more likely to work if you are behind a NAT, using firewalls, etc.