Hi @jamesgibson14. I just monkeypatched it. It would be easy to make a PR as it's a tiny change. Here's our code: ``` // If `x` is a function, binds...
@filipenevola - I can understand bugs quickly becoming irrelevant on actively developed codebases but this is hardly the case here. Here's the last two releases. v2.3.4, 2019-Dec-13 jquery 3 support...
I'm actually trying to figure out how to turn off the command log. I can't find a parameter anywhere. I'm using the latest cypress 4.10 and of this package. Any...
Thanks. I wasn't importing the commands but when I tried I ran into #40 - but the workaround in there worked for importing each one directly and now the sidebar...
Hey @lc3t35 , I'm new to this package but in testing observed one pub taking 6-7 secs whereas another takes just some ms. I tried then specifying the exact observer...
How big is your `moments` collection @lc3t35 ? That's a pretty broad selector you're using so I think it's normal that creating an observer for a lot of docs will...
Hey thanks @paulincai . Yes, I work with @tcastelli 😆 We were trying to find the most relevant issue but I think the other one was something else where this...
We're getting this every few hours now on our server since updating to meteor 2.10. Has anyone opened a fork and applied the above PR ? If not I'll do...
So I just noticed that another PR, #79 - has been merged, which addressed this but we're running that version (1.3.13) in production. I'm going to update to 1.3.16 and...
You need to assign _this_ before calling swal. ``` var self = this; ``` And then in deleteItem use self._id;