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Write a portable codebase targeting Clojure/ClojureScript
Not sure if this is some oversight on my part, or a bug, so I'll report it here. I'm running Clojure 1.7.0-alpha2, cljx 0.6.0, using CIDER nrepl 0.8.2. Leiningen 2.4.2...
When `lein cljx once` or `lein cljx auto` is executed, any code in the `user` namespace is automatically loaded. In the development profile, this namespace may be populated. For instance...
Warn users that the REPL integration doesn't work on the latest lein
Having this bug in `project.clj`: ``` :cljx {:builds [{ ; boring :rules clj}]} ``` caused the rather unhelpful error: ``` $ lein cljx once java.lang.NullPointerException at clojure.lang.Symbol.intern( at clojure.core$symbol.invoke(core.clj:539) at...
Most of my projects using cljx end up with a configuration similar to: ``` clojure :source-paths ["src" "target/generated-src"] :test-paths ["test" "target/generated-test"] :cljsbuild {:builds [{:source-paths ["src" "target/generated-src"]}]} :cljx {:builds [{:source-paths ["src"]...
When running `lein repl` followed by Austin, will have to `lein cljsbuild clean` before `lein cljx once` to be able to have new code changes available in the cljs repl....
Out-of-the-box, cljx auto does not provide a means of calling cljsbuild (once?) upon run. Some workflow or configuration for getting the effect of both "lein cljx auto" and "lein cljsbuild...
The middleware is not wrapped with leiningen 2.5.1. Idk whether its cljx or leiningens "fault". Just wanted to report.
I've recently switched to @cemerick's 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT. version and using `:prep-tasks [["cljx once"] "javac" "compile"]`. When running the above lein command chain it does correctly generate cljx transforms, but the test...
This isn't so much a problem, but just a open ended question. Adding the cljx hook to my project adds about 4-5 seconds to my "lein test" task. Don't get...