Insert data process, rocksdb returns success. stonedb stack ``` rocksdb::DBImpl::WriteImpl(rocksdb::DBImpl * const this, const rocksdb::WriteOptions & write_options, rocksdb::WriteBatch * my_batch, rocksdb::WriteCallback * callback, uint64_t * log_used, uint64_t log_ref, bool disable_memtable,...
There is an exception in the rocksdb AsyncDropData process. ``` StripeRep(rocksdb::SequenceNumber lower_bound, rocksdb::SequenceNumber upper_bound, const rocksdb::InternalKeyComparator * icmp, rocksdb::RangeDelAggregator::StripeRep * const this) (\opt\prepare\rocksdb-6.12.6\db\range_del_aggregator.h:311) ReadRangeDelAggregator(rocksdb::SequenceNumber upper_bound, const rocksdb::InternalKeyComparator * icmp, rocksdb::ReadRangeDelAggregator...
Check that the data file is empty. Check the log and find that the table name has been escaped. $test1->@0024test1. Preliminary judgment that rocksdb does not support the '$' special...
Reproduce the problem in the debug version: ``` create database syw_mtr; use syw_mtr; CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8)engine=stonedb; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT LEFT(f1,171) AS f2 FROM...
The line of code that reports the error: ``` Query_result_create::prepare ( assert(create_table->table == NULL);
stonedb stack: ```!raise (未知源:0)!abort (未知源:0)!__assert_fail_base (未知源:0)!__assert_fail (未知源:0) Query_result_create::prepare(Query_result_create * const this, List & values, SELECT_LEX_UNIT * u) (\opt\litaihong\stonedb\sql\ st_select_lex::prepare(st_select_lex * const this, THD * thd) (\opt\litaihong\stonedb\sql\
Query_result_create::prepare ( function prepare phase and optimize phase are called twice 1. The stonedb::core::Engine::HandleSelect function is called first st_select_lex_unit::prepare->prepare_fake_select_lex->Query_result_create::prepare At this point create_table->table is NULL. 2. Then call st_select_lex_unit::optimize_for_stonedb ->...
mysql stack ``` Query_result_create::prepare(Query_result_create * const this, List & values, SELECT_LEX_UNIT * u) (\opt\litaihong\stonedb\sql\ st_select_lex::prepare(st_select_lex * const this, THD * thd) (\opt\litaihong\stonedb\sql\ st_select_lex_unit::prepare_fake_select_lex(st_select_lex_unit * const this, THD * thd_arg) (\opt\litaihong\stonedb\sql\
When the configuration parameter 'binlog_format=row', the table data inserted into the tianmu engine will report the following error ``` mysql> create table person(id int, name varchar(20)) engine=tianmu; Query OK, 0...
When creating the tianmu engine table, only the flag of the statement format is set: HA_BINLOG_STMT_CAPABLE, and the row format is not set: HA_BINLOG_ROW_CAPABLE. The code points are as follows...