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Record fields with underscores give TH machinery trouble
The below yields a large error complaining about:
Illegal data constructor"
<- " name: `_pgHostField'
When splicing a TH declaration:
instance Database.Groundhog.Core.PersistEntity Compute.Backends.PGCommon.PGConfig
where data Database.Groundhog.Core.Key Compute.Backends.PGCommon.PGConfig
Example code:
data PGConfig = PGConfig
{ _pgHost :: Text
, _pgPort :: Int
, _pgUser :: Text
, _pgPass :: Text
, _pgDatabase :: Text
, _pgSchema :: Text
, _pgSSL :: SSLMode
} deriving (Eq,Show,Generic)
- entity: PGConfig
dbName: xxxxx
- name: PGConfig
The naming schema tried to create a field (GADT constructor) _pgHostField which is an invalid constructor name. I would suggest modifying the naming schema. There are many ways to make the name valid (strip _, add prefix) but putting these heuristics into the default schemas I think would make the library more "magical"
Understood. However, we may want to expose some functionality that provides this prefix _ stripping, especially as lens becomes more and more prevalent and field names starting with _ are the norm there.
Good point. My comment was about names normalization in general. If this is a common case, a NamingStyle adjustment function would be handy. Do you think that stripping underscores is the best option here?
I guess so. It is not at all idiomatic to use underscores in general, so perhaps we can assume they are safe to strip. If someone has a special use case, they can always implement their own naming schema, right?
That's right. I am not sure though if this case is popular enough to be included into the TH module. Otherwise you could use this schema modification just for your own project.
{ namingStyle = lowerCaseSuffixNamingStyle {
mkExprSelectorName =
\a b c d -> "Z" ++ (mkExprSelectorName lowerCaseSuffixNamingStyle) a b c d