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A Hierarchical Graph V-Net with Semi-supervised Pre-training for Breast Cancer Histology Image Classification" (IEEE TMI)

Graph V-Net

We provide Pytorch implementations for our paper "A Hierarchical Graph V-Net with Semi-supervised Pre-training for Breast Cancer Histology Image Classification" (IEEE TMI).

1. Introduction

Graph V-Net is a hierarchical graph convolutional network for patch-based breast cancer diagnosis. The proposed Graph V-Net classifies each patch within the whole slide image into four categories: normal, benign, carcinoma in situ, and invasive carcinoma.

Figure 1. An overview of the proposed Graph V-Net.


Our proposed framework consists of two main components:

  • Pre-train the patch-level feature extractor with semi-supervised learning.

  • Fine-tune the Graph V-Net in a supervised learning manner.

2. Graph V-Net Walkthrough

  • Dataset Preparation

    Download the BACH dataset, which includes the BACH training set ( and testing set ( Unzip them in the ./dataset/ folder. Note that the BACH dataset includes both microscopy images (ROI) and whole slide images, and we use whole slide images only. The folder structure should be like this:
       ├── annotations
       ├── ICIAR2018_BACH_Challenge
       ├── ICIAR2018_BACH_Challenge_TestDataset
    We provide refined annotations (by pathologists from Yunnan Cancer Hospital) for the BACH dataset in ./dataset/annotations/.

    Figure 2. (a) The original annotation provided by BACH organizers. (b) A WSI relabeled by the pathologists from Yunnan Cancer Hospital.

  • Date Preprocessing

    (1) Unzip all the data, and create a conda environment for preprocessing. For linux:

    conda create --name openslide python=3.8
    conda activate openslide
    conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
    conda install -c conda-forge openslide
    conda install -c conda-forge openslide-python
    pip install -r ./requirements.txt

    To install the OpenSlide package on Windows, please refer to this tutorial. (2) Run ./preprocessing/ first. This script will generate non-overlapping patches (from 31 labeled WSIs and 9 unlabeled WSIs) for pre-training in ./dataset/pretrain/. The file name of a specific patch indicates its spatial location and the class (0, 1, 2, or 3). For instance, ./labeled/01/18_58_1.png indicates that the patch locates at the 18th row and 58th column of the WSI, and its class is 1 (cancerous).
    (3) Then, run ./preprocessing/ to generate overlapping regions (from 31 labeled WSIs) for fine-tuning and testing in ./dataset/finetune/. Each cropped region consists of 64 patches and the corresponding soft label is a numpy array with a size of (8,8,4), which indicates the average label of all pixels in those 8*8 patches within the region.

  • Pre-training

    (1) Create another conda environment (without Openslide package) for pre-training, fine-tuning, and testing. You can install all the dependencies by

    conda create --name vnet python=3.8
    conda activate vnet
    conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
    pip install -r ./requirements.txt

    (2) To pre-train the patch encoder, run ./pretrain/ The weights of the patch encoder will be saved in ./weight/pretrain/. Run ./pretrain/ to visualize the attention maps of the patch encoder. We have provided the pre-trained weight on BACH dataset in ./weight/checkpoint.txt using --train_samples (in ./pretrain/ ) and all the unlabeled WSIs.

    Figure 3. The attention maps of the last self-attention layer from the patch encoder.

  • Fine-tuning

    To fine-tune our framework, run ./ When fine-tuning is completed, the weights will be saved in ./weight/finetune/.

  • Testing

    Run, and the results (figure 3) will be saved in ./snapshot/test/.

    Figure 3. The prediction results of our framework.

3. Citation

      author={Li, Yonghao and Shen, Yiqing and Zhang, Jiadong and Song, Shujie and Li, Zhenhui and Ke, Jing and Shen, Dinggang},
      journal={IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging}, 
      title={A Hierarchical Graph V-Net with Semi-supervised Pre-training for Histological Image based Breast Cancer Classification}, 

4. References