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Write basic confidant clients in other major languages.
At minimum we should have a client in Go. It may also be a good idea to write a very basic client in bash, for maximum compatibility.
In general we're open to clients in any language, but want to initially target languages that are frequently used for systems programming, since clients can cache returned values into ramdisks for use in configuration management systems, or directly in applications by reading the cache and json loading the data.
Putting in a vote for an Ansible Client. I haven't looked at the client code yet, but I suspect you could create a basic client with an Ansible role, and a more comprehensive one with an Ansible module.
Opened to support confidant in SaltStack master/minion mode. We can easily support masterless mode.
I've been messing with some code in JavaScript and in Go as I am learning Confidant and how it even works. Feel free to fork the code and make it Confidant worthy! :smile:
Do you folks know of any informal motion on this for other stacks (JVM is what I'm interested in at the moment)?