Kronos-Android copied to clipboard
ticksDelta is extremely unstable
Hey, I started using Kronos a few days ago. May I have few questions regarding time sync/drifting on android?
The time seems to be complately unstable, almost each sync process ends with different diff
2020-05-01 01:49:16.804 6818-6928/Application$onCr: [kronos][sync] success sync ticksDelta[-118] responseTimeMs[222]
2020-05-01 01:50:16.934 6818-6928/Application$onCr: [kronos][sync] success sync ticksDelta[-151] responseTimeMs[129]
2020-05-01 01:50:16.994 6818-6928/Application$onCr: [kronos][sync] success sync ticksDelta[-128] responseTimeMs[56]
The calls are a minute apart from each other but the responses say that the device clock drifted 20milliseconds
Is it standard behavior of Android or am I doing something wrong?
Hey Pawel, I'm not the maintainer, but couple questions:
- do you provide custom NTP servers or use default ones?
- do you run it on emulator/device? (time might be drifting depending on that)
Thank you for replay @artem-zinnatullin I tried to use the default and custom NTP servers. I run the app only on real devices(recently s8 and Pixel 2 with similar results) Here is a piece of code form my app:
kronosClock = AndroidClockFactory.createKronosClock(applicationContext,
// ntpHosts = listOf("", "", ""),
// ntpHosts = listOf(""),
syncListener = object: SyncListener {
override fun onError(host: String, throwable: Throwable) {
Timber.e(throwable, "[kronos] Cannot sync for $host")
override fun onStartSync(host: String) {
Timber.d("[kronos] Start sync for host $host")
override fun onSuccess(ticksDelta: Long, responseTimeMs: Long) {
Timber.d("[kronos][sync] success sync ticksDelta[$ticksDelta] responseTimeMs[$responseTimeMs]")
It is called on main thread in method onCreate
class that extends MultiDexApplication
That piece of code produces logs like that
2020-05-01 03:00:16.228 9834-10038/com.******$onCr: [kronos] Start sync for host
2020-05-01 03:00:16.546 9834-10038/com.******$onCr: [kronos][sync] success sync ticksDelta[-172] responseTimeMs[319]
2020-05-01 03:01:31.227 9834-10038/com.******$onCr: [kronos] Start sync for host
2020-05-01 03:01:31.502 9834-10038/com.******$onCr: [kronos][sync] success sync ticksDelta[-159] responseTimeMs[276]
2020-05-01 03:02:46.228 9834-10038/com.*****$onCr: [kronos] Start sync for host
2020-05-01 03:02:46.458 9834-10038/com.*****$onCr: [kronos][sync] success sync ticksDelta[-145] responseTimeMs[231]
2020-05-01 03:04:01.228 9834-10038/com.*****$onCr: [kronos] Start sync for host
2020-05-01 03:04:01.519 9834-10038/com.*****$onCr: [kronos][sync] success sync ticksDelta[-170] responseTimeMs[291]
2020-05-01 03:05:16.228 9834-10038/com.*****$onCr: [kronos] Start sync for host
2020-05-01 03:05:16.429 9834-10038/$onCr: [kronos][sync] success sync ticksDelta[-138] responseTimeMs[201]
Thanks for reporting. We will investigate this, but may take some time, pls bear with us.
I found that the time delta was very susceptible to high response times.
We ended up using NTP servers based in our country and ignoring any delta that had a response time of > 50ms. This made the deltas that we were using much more consistent, within a range of about 10ms.