QtDropbox copied to clipboard
Redesign JSON processor
Currently JSON objects returned by Dropbox are processed by the QDropboxJson class. This class was initially intended to provide a limited read-only access to JSON objects but it grew larger. Today it also provides write access and is still (if not the top one) very prone to failure.
This issue should be used to redesign the JSON processing. I am open for different suggestions on this topic like the one proposed by @dmitrykx in #23 to use QtScript. Different suggestions were made though as well like using third-party libraries.
I think it is necessary to test the various options and compare their performance.
Use http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qjsondocument.html
Thanks for the hint. I will consider using QJsonDocument as it is now possible since QtDropbox was upgraded to Qt5.
Qt5 support for JSON processing will be added somtime this year.