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A collection of SolidJS utilities


A collection of SolidJS utilities

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save solid-js solid-use
yarn add solid-js solid-use



A simplified version of createSignal. Instead of returning a tuple, it returns a single function that serves as the accessor and the dispatcher.

import { atom } from 'solid-use';

const message = atom('Hello');

createEffect(() => {



string is a tagged template for reactive string templates. It returns an accessor function that returns the latest computed string.

import { createSignal } from 'solid-js';
import { string } from 'solid-use';

const [greeting, setGreeting] = createSignal('Hello');
const [target, setTarget] = createSignal('Solid');

const message = string`${greeting}, ${target}!`;

createEffect(() => {
  console.log(message()); // Hello, Solid!

setGreeting('Bonjour'); // Bonjour, Solid!

spread and destructure

Allows splitting a reactive object (ideally, the props) into a field of accessors. spread is eager while destructure is lazy.

import { spread, destructure } from 'solid-use';

function MyComponent(props) {
  // destructure only creates accessors
  // based on the defined destructured fields
  const { greeting, target } = destructure(props);

  return <h1>{greeting()}, {target()}!</h1>

function AnotherComponent(props) {
  // spread creates accessors for every field in the object
  return <MyComponent {...spread(props)} />

<AnotherComponent greeting="Hello" target="Solid" />


SolidJS already provides the Context API for injecting values down the component tree, however, this may lead into an unwanted pyramid of doom for nested Context.

Provider provides a compositional way to inject values not just the component tree, but also inside captured callbacks. You can also use the Provider API outside components, useful for injecting values inside global side-effects.


Creates a unique provider key that also holds a default value. This is similar to createContext although with different behaviors.

import { createProvider } from 'solid-use';

const MessageProvider = createProvider('Hello World');

provide and inject

provide accepts a Provider instance and a value to be injected. inject performs a lookup in the provider scope for the corresponding Provider value. If inject cannot find the Provider instance, the default value of the Provider is returned.

provide(MessageProvider, 'Hello Solid');
const value = inject(MessageProvider); // Hello Solid


Accepts a callback that is executed synchronously. providerScope provides an internal context that allows injecting values across boundaries. This is must be used for provide and inject to work.

providerScope(() => {
  provide(XProvider, 'X');
  provide(YProvider, 'Y');


Wraps a callback into a captured callback that holds the current Provider scope. This allows inject to perform lookup even outside the synchronous scope.

createEffect(capturedProvider(() => {
  const value = inject(MessageProvider);


A higher-order component that internally wraps a component with a providerScope.

omitProps and pickProps

Much similar to the built-in splitProps, omitProps removes selected keys while pickProps picks the selected keys from the source props

<button {...excludeProps(props, ['ref', 'onClick'])} />

Classic Suspense

import {
} from 'solid-use';

const sleep = (timeout) => new Promise((resolve) => {
  setTimeout(resolve, timeout, true);

const greeting = createClassicResource(async () => {
  await sleep(2000);
  return 'Hello';

const receipient = createClassicResource(async () => {
  await sleep(2000);
  return 'SolidJS';

const result = waitForAll([

function Message() {
  return createClassicSuspense(() => {
    const [greetingValue, receipientValue] = useClassicResource(result);

    // const greetingValue = useClassicResource(greeting);
    // const receipientValue = useClassicResource(receipient);

    return <h1>{greetingValue}, {receipientValue}!</h1>

function App() {
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<h1>Loading...</h1>}>
      <Message />


createClassicSuspense emulates the behavior of React's <Suspense> such that instead of reading from createResource, createClassicSuspense will suspend when a Promise is thrown. Unlike Solid's createResource, createClassicSuspense guarantees that the resource has already resolved by the time it reaches the resolving UI.

createClassicSuspense wraps createResource so that it still works with Solid's Suspense.

createClassicResource and useClassicResource

A simple wrapper to Promises. useClassicResource will read from a given classic resource and will suspend if the resource is yet to resolve.

waitForAll and waitForAny

A utility for combining classic resources akin to Promise.all and Promise.race.


Similar to useClassicResource, useful for custom resource signal implementations.


import { fetch } from 'solid-use';

function SuspensefulDogImage() {
  const result = fetch('', undefined, true).json();

  return <img src={result().message} alt={result().message} />;

function SuspenselessDogImage() {
  const result = fetch('', undefined, false).json();

  return (
      <Match when={result.status === 'pending'}>
      <Match when={result.status === 'failure'}>
        <h1>Something went wrong</h1>
      <Match when={result.status === 'success'}>
        <img src={result.value.message} alt={result.value.message} />

function ClassicSuspenseDogImage() {
  const result = fetch('', undefined, 'classic').json();

  return createClassicSuspense(() => {
    const data = useResourceResult(result());

    return <img src={data.message} alt={data.message} />;

Provides a similar API to the Fetch API, solid-use' fetch uses resource and signals to provide a reactive way of fetching.

The parameters of fetch can be wrapped into a function for reactive sources and options.

function SuspensefulDogImage() {
  const result = fetch(() => `${breed()}/images/random`, () => ({ mode: mode() }), true).json();

  return <img src={result().message} alt={result().message} />;


  • useMediaQuery
  • useOnlineStatus
  • usePageVisibility
  • usePrefersDark
  • usePrefersLight
  • usePrefersReducedMotion


MIT © lxsmnsyc