Lukasz Wasylow
Lukasz Wasylow
Please set no limit to buffer size for session. DBMS_OUTPUT. ENABLE (buffer_size => NULL); Then please retry. Buffer size is session dependent.
@callumeveratt is there any update or can we close it down?
@callumeveratt no worries. Sometimes the regex can be a bit problematic. Please also note that depending on OS execution the "/" can differ. Have a look for regex I had...
Hi @jasonlyle88 So to clarify, as from the issue is not clear on what your are expecting coverage. You running some procedure let's call it `procedure1` via job scheduler and...
You are correct. From what I can see the profile not profiling any run within a scheduler job and not data is collected. It might be an issue with way...
Hi @jasonlyle88 , sorry have not chance to finish :) Clicked entered and you replied while was editing comment. From what I can see the profile not profiling any run...
To prove fact that is being closed abruptly you can put : `dbms_session.sleep(5);` before `l_result := DBMS_PROFILER.stop_profiler;` and you can see that run time is null for `dbms_scheduler` where in...
Hi @jasonlyle88 I think I found a workaround for you. Using a direct `autonomous` doesn't solve the problem however I think we been testing similar behaviour in our framework as...
You right it was missing: `l_coverage_run_id raw(32) := sys_guid();` But that causes to fail. It looks like somehow `scheduler` closes reporter before executing. I will have a think about it...
What's funny is that creation of the job and execution works ok :) ```sql procedure run_job is l_coverage_run_id raw(32) := sys_guid(); pragma autonomous_transaction; begin ut3_develop.ut_runner.coverage_start(l_coverage_run_id); dbms_scheduler.create_job( job_name => 'TEST2', job_type...