Leah Wasser
Leah Wasser
I tried removing some of the build extensions like autoapi. but i'm still getting this issue! if anyone has a suggestion of things I could try to troubleshoot I'm game...
I wanted to also note another data point that i just saw last night / today! I have a sphinx build that using myst-nb. I had a never-ending loop happening...
That information alone (which files triggered it) is useful. Thank you so much. @AA-Turner !!
That is the best way @pllim ✨ For reference: i'm working on a build that will allow us to update review status in real time on the website (creating a...
@pllim @bsipocz we capture both the joss doi and a zenodo doi if users provide that . it's not on the website yet but I have a plan to add...
hey y'all - wanted to also mention that we're working on tutorials and such around packaging. right now we've having monthly writing sprints and people are providing feedback on new...
woah! @fmichonneau can you show me how you set this up using the data? this is AWESOME. awesome awesome awesome.
yes!! one minute @fmichonneau this work has been started but wasn't completed - i think. does this repo look like the right template WITH a bunch of wrong stuff in...
we wanted to do this and had some momentum but then that died off... let's convert just let me know where i can help. also see my PR...
Awesome. i'm sorry it's a mess currently. we broke it up into parts and i worked on the content overhaul and Chris did the template part so i don't know...