Leah Wasser
Leah Wasser
hey @jsamoocha 👋 SO -- i just finally had time to test this locally. i went on a hike this morning before work and i have the hike here in...
Ok update here is what i did. i authenticated & got an activity ID for today's hike. then i made a direct call using `requests`. ```python activities = client.get_activities(after="2024-01-18") api_url...
ahhhhh i should have looked more closely. this works: ```python activities = client.get_activities(after="2024-01-18") for activity in activities: fin = client.get_activity(activity.id) fin.calories ``` i saw where calories was stored in the...
ok thinking about this a bit more - i understand now what's happening. i do see what the API returns for that call by default and it doesn't include any...
cool, i'll leave this open. maybe i can create a set of milestones related to post version 2.0 and we can at some point make a 2.0 migration set of...
hey @robross74 👋 i'm going through and cleaning up old issues. i see this one is a few years old and also used python 3.6 which we no longer support....
Ok i did some digging into this. i may need feedback from @jsamoocha ```python id = 2349299 # i don't see leaderboard here in the return # https://developers.strava.com/docs/reference/#api-SegmentEfforts-getSegmentEffortById seg =...
ok sounds good. i'll create an issue to remove those old functional tests. they definitely have never been updated and do rely on the user to setup a app /...
hey @sinancetinkaya i'm working through old issues and this one is a few years old now. Have you tried to use the new create_subscription method in the new API? We've...
hey @maartenmennes i'm going through and looking at old issues. we have redone the entire stravalib API since this issue was posted. i have not yet tested to see if...