Louis-Vincent Major
Louis-Vincent Major
Ok so after further investigation, it seems like it would be possible to get the filtered/search results only by calling the `grid.selectionModule.checkSelectAll()` and then calling the `grid.getSelectedRecords()` but that would...
I tried searching for a variable that would hold the current dataset used to generate the grid but all I can find is the whole dataset (from `grid.dataSource.dataSource.json`), on which...
Trying to find more info in the forums, I found that this was indeed possible in previous versions (see [here](https://www.syncfusion.com/forums/118500/how-to-get-filtered-data-from-ejgrid) where it is recommended to use the `getFilteredRecords()` method of...
Hey there, thanks for the suggestion. I guess that's effectively a way to retrieve the filtered results. I wonder though if it's really effective to reprocess the whole dataset for...
In case someone would stumble upon this issue and wondered if there was a solution proposed, here it is: ```html var newData = []; var gridData; function load() { gridData...
Is there any update regarding this? I saw it was supposed to be included in 2019 Volume 2 (I understand it's an attempt and not a guarantee) but there's no...
Could this issue be transferred to the new "merged" repository please? Or be updated according to what has been done to improve performance regarding paging and similar operations being performed...
Ok so for others that could stumble here, I found something was implemented in the [grid.ts file](https://github.com/syncfusion/ej2-javascript-ui-controls/blame/ec4d249fa1b45e44abb5e5f4cd2711e598133a8a/controls/grids/src/grid/base/grid.ts#L5383). It lets the user retrieve the filtered dataset, but to do so, reprocesses...
Ok :)