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Implement JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
Implement Signup and Login pages
Thinking how we can flesh out the auth flow process a bit while still using a static backend.
- signup - needs validation
- login
- edit user account (used to test authenticated redirect for now?)
- Should show signout and authenticated routes when logged in
- Sign out
jwt token logic
- signup/login Mutation should return jwtToken
- refresh page after mutation/token to make queries but with jwt token in header.
- token should be checked if still valid before submitting with query
- new token should be saved
Authenticate JWT Token
- Server should check header when processing graphql requests
- Or include jwt token in viewer query
Generate Refresh Tokens
- generate a jwt token with user object in payload
- send a refresh token
Authenticated Routes
- Sign in/log in need to be redirected if jwt token is found
- Edit user account page should redirect if valid jwt token isn't found
I mostly agree.
- The easiest way to think about authentication is to have the viewer root query return null, if the no user exists, no token exists or the token is expired. Then if viewer is null, use router to redirect.
- It should be possible to log a user in without a page reload. Should just be a matter of either FIELD_CHANGE mutation or using new Relay.Environment
- We can access the request header by modifying the creation of graphqlHTTP
The best starting point is probably assigning a JWT token on a login mutation, for now, not considering username/password at all.
@Neitsch I've used this post as guidance atm
The viewer object always has the same viewer id, but with the token the viewer object then has a user object. Feels very hackish.
Looking to see if relay 2 makes this easier.
Edit: @Neitsch also does everything still work if the viewer is null?
Good point. So, how I see it is, that the viewer query is without arguments, so no ID or anything. It returns the user mapped to that token, which then has the ID of the viewer assigned. The root query does not contain any arguments concerning the user ID, that should all be done on the backend:
If I query viewer { username, id }
, it will return { username: 'Neitsch', id: 1234 }
, but maybe I'm just at a misunderstanding about JWT. Looking at the guide, the resolve function would be something like this:
var GraphQLRoot = new GraphQLObjectType({
user: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLUser),
description: 'the user',
resolve: (root, {id}, {rootValue}, context) => co(function*() {
var user = yield getUser(context.request.cookies.token);
return user;
About null, actually you're right. Null is never good. Instead the IMHO proper way is to have a viewer interface, that either implements a logged in or a logged out user.
@Neitsch Yes thats my understanding as well.
The server reads the JWT Tokens Payload. It should be a valid token. The payload has a userID and sense it's signed and not expired we can trust it's validity
This medium post is usefull. GraphQL Field Guide to Auth
Ah okay, I read up on it a little bit. My understanding of JWT was wrong. That Medium post looks good, doesn't use Relay though, so we might have to play with that, if we follow their strategy for authorization. The authentication code lgtm.
This also has a really nice pattern that has the jwt token in the graphql query GraphQL and Authentication
I actually like this option a lot
This was the concept I was thinking about above. I know how to do this with cookies. Not sure if JWT changes anything 😄
I have a lot of the client code here
Name isAuthenticated and Authenticated Route higher order components in utils.js.
Some logic in regards to checking, setting and handling expired jwt tokens is in jwtUtils file.
That's looking very good to me 💯. It would be great if you could integrate the code into Relay Fullstack
@lvarayut definitely going to try to look into this the next few days.