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Unity3d lua name slua with 3rd library
#slua 3rd library. Fastest Unity lua binding via static code generating.
Introduction slua Document
###What's different This fork integrate with 3rd Lua library.
We already have pbc , lpeg , cjson , lua-socket , sproto , sqlite librarys and more and more in the future.
The library is already been test in Mac , Iphone , Android , Windows.
Email: [email protected]
###MinGW for windows build MinGW , a contraction of "Minimalist GNU for Windows", is a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications.
MinGW be a submodule in this repo and about 300 MB , If you have to build dll in windows you must init and update the submodule like : git submoudle update --init.
###About 3rd library 1.pbc ( is a google protocol buffers library for C without code generation.
2.lpeg ( is a new pattern-matching library for Lua, based on Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs).
3.lua-cjson ( provides JSON support for Lua.
4.lua-socket ( is a Lua extension library that is composed by two parts: a C core that provides support for the TCP and UDP transport layers, and a set of Lua modules that add support for functionality commonly needed by applications that deal with the Internet.
5.sproto ( is an efficient serialization library for C, and focuses on lua binding. It's like Google protocol buffers, but much faster.
6.sqlite ( is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.
##How to use slua in unity3d. See inner demo for help or Document (in chinese).
##How to use 3rd library in unity3d. See inner demo for help.
- pbc example
The path of pbc example is Assets/Slua/example/example-pbc/protoTest.unity.
To integrate pbc I add ByteArray class in slua. It works when you use byte[] between c# and Lua.
- lua-cjson example
The path of lua-cjson example is Assets/Slua/example/example-cjson/cjson_test.unity.
Test scripts include cjson_test.cs , cjsonTest.txt , cjsonTest/test1.txt.
- lua-socket example
The path of lua-socket example is Assets/Slua/example/example-luasocket/lua_socket.unity.
The test scripts is 'testclnt.txt'. The test file copy from lua-scoket. If you wana test, you need to run the 'luasrvr.lua' from the lua-scoket's test folder.
- sproto example
The path of sproto example is Assets/Slua/example/example-sproto/sproto-test.unity.
The test contain 3 files sprotoTest/test.txt , sprotoTest/testall.txt , sprotoTest/pbc.txt , all of these files from sproto project.
- sqlite example
The path of sproto example is Assets/Slua/example/example-sqlite/sqlite-test.unity.
The test contain 2 files sqliteTest/test.txt , sqliteTest/tests-sqlite3.txt , all of them from lsqlite project.
###How to build library by yourself. It has sevral shell or bat in the build folder. If you have to choose some of theirs , you can modify the build scripts by yourself. It's simple I think if you really want.
The shell or bat in the build folder can build the library for specially platform: will build iphone library in osx. will build osx library in osx. will build android library. You can execute it in osx or linux. But first , please reset the ndk path in the shell.
4.make-windows-32.cmd will build windows 32bit dll in windows 32-bit or 64-bit.
5.make-windows-64.cmd will build windows 64bit dll in windows 64-bit.
###TODO 1.Add lua-cjson library in slua. ( Finished )
2.Add lua-socket library in slua. ( Finished )
3.Merge slua v1.x ( Finished )
4.Add sproto library in slua. ( Finished )
5.Add sqlite library in slua. ( Finished )
6.Add Int64 in slua.
7.Add curl library in slua.