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Camera factory calibration interpretation

Open abaeyens-imod opened this issue 8 months ago • 4 comments

Check if issue already exists Here's the same issue on the Luxonis forum.

Describe the bug Applying the factory calibration published in the CameraInfo message does not deliver sensible results. Recalibrating the camera using standard tools resulted in a very different calibration which does work, but preferably we would like to use what gets published on the camera_info topics.

Minimal Reproducible Example Here's an MRE, including a bag file. It uses a marker detection library to generate a set of 3D points from the right camera image and then projects these back onto image space for all three cameras.

Key code used for projecting 3D points to image coordinates using the Luxonis calibration:

void projectMarkersToImageCoordinates(
    const std::vector<stag_ros::STagMarker> markers, 
    const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo & camera_info,
    const cv::Point3d & camera_position,
    std::vector<cv::Point2d> & uvs) {
  // Ensure output is empty
  // Nothing to project => exit
  if (markers.empty()) return;
  // Prepare input
  std::vector<cv::Point3d> object_points;
  for (const stag_ros::STagMarker& m : markers) {
      m.pose.position.x - camera_position.x,
      m.pose.position.y - camera_position.y,
      m.pose.position.z - camera_position.z));
  cv::Mat r(3, 3, CV_64F);
  for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)<double>(i) = camera_info.R[i];
  cv::Mat rvec;
  cv::Rodrigues(r, rvec);
  cv::Mat tvec = cv::Mat::zeros(cv::Size(3, 1), CV_64F);
  cv::Mat k(3, 3, CV_64F);
  for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)<double>(i) = camera_info.K[i];
  // Assume distortion model follows OpenCV format
  cv::Mat d(camera_info.D.size(), 1, CV_64F);
  for (int i = 0; i < camera_info.D.size(); ++i)<double>(i) = camera_info.D[i];
  // The actual 3D => 2D projection
  cv::projectPoints(object_points, rvec, tvec, k, d, uvs);

Expected behavior The centers of the red circles align with the fiducial marker centers in all three images in the screenshot below.

Observed behavior The centers align in the image of the right camera, indicating that the projections of the made node (see the linked MRE code) match those of the marker detection library. This is good. However, the centers don't align in the images of the left and the rgb camera, indicating a severe calibration (interpretation) issue.

Screenshots image

Pipeline Graph Standard pipeline RGBStereo.

Attach system log

  • Provide output of
  • Which OS/OS version are you using? Ubuntu 20.04/Focal container on Ubuntu 22.04/Jammy
  • Which ROS version are you using? ROS 1
  • Which ROS distribution are you using ? Noetic
  • Is depthai-ros built from source or installed from apt? Occurs with both
  • Is depthai/depthai-core library installed from rosdep or manually? For rosdep install, check if ros-<rosdistro>-depthai package is installed, manual install can be checked with ldconfig -p | grep depthai. ros-noetic-depthai is installed
  • Please include versions of following packages - apt show ros-$ROS_DISTRO-depthai ros-$ROS_DISTRO-depthai-ros ros-$ROS_DISTRO-depthai-bridge ros-$ROS_DISTRO-depthai-ros-msgs ros-$ROS_DISTRO-depthai-ros-driver


package version
ros-noetic-depthai 2.24.0-2focal.20240308.133037
ros-noetic-depthai-ros 2.9.0-1focal.20240402.150922
ros-noetic-depthai-bridge 2.9.0-1focal.20240308.134342
ros-noetic-depthai-ros-msgs 2.9.0-1focal.20240125.202559
ros-noetic-depthai-ros-driver 2.9.0-1focal.20240402.145653
  • To get additional logs, set DEPTHAI_DEBUG=1 and paste the logs, either from command line or from latest log in ~/.ros/log

Additional context Thanks for taking your time to look into this.

abaeyens-imod avatar Jul 01 '24 12:07 abaeyens-imod