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[BUG] Enable to access Point cloud/image in ROS noetic with OAK-D Pro Poe camera (Ubuntu 20.04)
We are able to access and also most of the scripts in depthai-python repo.
Can we get assistance with the following issue?
When we run :
roslaunch depthai_examples stereo_inertial_node.launch
This is the output from the terminal.
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://harsh-il:44519/
* /depth_image_to_rgb_pointcloud/queue_size: 10
* /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.15.14
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/LRchecktresh: 5
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/angularVelCovariance: 0
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/confidence: 200
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/depth_aligned: True
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/detectionClassesCount: 80
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/dotProjectormA: 200.0
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/enableDotProjector: False
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/enableFloodLight: False
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/enableSpatialDetection: True
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/expTime: 20000
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/extended: False
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/floodLightmA: 200.0
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/imuMode: 1
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/linearAccelCovariance: 0
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/lrcheck: True
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/manualExposure: False
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/mode: depth
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/monoResolution: 720p
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/mxId: 19443010F10C731300
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/nnName: x
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/poeMode: True
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/previewHeight: 416
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/previewWidth: 416
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/rectify: True
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/resourceBaseFolder: /home/hbk/oakd_pr...
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/rgbResolution: 1080p
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/rgbScaleDinominator: 3
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/rgbScaleNumerator: 2
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/sensIso: 800
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/stereo_fps: 15
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/subpixel: True
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/syncNN: True
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/tf_prefix: oak
* /stereo_inertial_publisher/usb2Mode: False
depth_image_convertion_nodelet (nodelet/nodelet)
depth_image_to_rgb_pointcloud (nodelet/nodelet)
nodelet_manager (nodelet/nodelet)
oak_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
stereo_inertial_publisher (depthai_examples/stereo_inertial_node)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [105521]
setting /run_id to 41e4c682-6a82-11ed-b084-3d427a22a2e4
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [105542]
started core service [/rosout]
process[oak_state_publisher-2]: started with pid [105549]
process[stereo_inertial_publisher-3]: started with pid [105550]
process[nodelet_manager-4]: started with pid [105551]
process[depth_image_convertion_nodelet-5]: started with pid [105552]
process[depth_image_to_rgb_pointcloud-6]: started with pid [105558]
[ INFO] [1669134321.228269819]: Initializing nodelet with 12 worker threads.
nnPath ,, /home/hbk/oakd_pro/depthai_ws/src/depthai-ros/depthai_examples/resources/yolov4_tiny_coco_416x416_openvino_2021.4_6shave_bgr.blob
1280 720 1280 720
Listing available devices...
Device Mx ID: 19443010F10C731300
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): Failed to find device after booting, error message: X_LINK_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND
================================================================================REQUIRED process [stereo_inertial_publisher-3] has died!
process has died [pid 105550, exit code -6, cmd /home/hbk/oakd_pro/depthai_ws/devel/lib/depthai_examples/stereo_inertial_node __name:=stereo_inertial_publisher __log:=/home/hbk/.ros/log/41e4c682-6a82-11ed-b084-3d427a22a2e4/stereo_inertial_publisher-3.log].
log file: /home/hbk/.ros/log/41e4c682-6a82-11ed-b084-3d427a22a2e4/stereo_inertial_publisher-3*.log
Initiating shutdown!
[depth_image_to_rgb_pointcloud-6] killing on exit
[depth_image_convertion_nodelet-5] killing on exit
[nodelet_manager-4] killing on exit
[stereo_inertial_publisher-3] killing on exit
[oak_state_publisher-2] killing on exit
[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
We did some digging in the code of stereo_intetial_publisher.cpp and code is getting stuck at line 389
device = std::make_shared<dai::Device>(pipeline, deviceInfo);
Thank you in advance for the solution.
Can you check if it works by unplugging and plugging the device back after running ?
I was able to make it work by changing the IP address. Not sure what was the issue.
Thank you very much @saching13
Now when I am running this package in a container I am not able to access the point cloud it says no cameras are available. I am using the bridge network in docker.
Can we specify an IP address instead of Mx ID to search for the camera?
@harshkakashaniya yes. you can use the IP to search for the device. there is a on-going PR for that here