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Showcasing a bare-metal multi-platform kubeadm setup with persistent storage and monitoring

Results 30 kubeadm-workshop issues
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Hi!I have read the "kubernetes-on-arm" I am stuck at initialize the master node . After I use the command "kubeadm init ". Every time the initialize process will stuck at...

So far so good the workshop, however when i run the command kubectl get secret rook-rook-user -oyaml | sed "/resourceVer/d;/uid/d;/self/d;/creat/d;/namespace/d" | kubectl -n kube-system apply -f - I get as...

Hello `kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rook/rook/release-0.4/demo/kubernetes/rook-cluster.yaml` Results in error ``` pirate@k8s-master:~/kubeadm-workshop$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rook/rook/release-0.4/demo/kubernetes/rook-cluster.yaml error: unable to recognize "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rook/rook/release-0.4/demo/kubernetes/rook-cluster.yaml": no matches for rook.io/, Kind=Cluster ``` Appreciate any help to resolve.

That combination seems the easiest to implement on bare metal. Also it's great to use CNCF projects like fluent{d,bit} Could probably use the `elasticsearch` and `fluent-bit` helm packages as the...

could you please help me to see why it is timeout to run top nodes? thanks ubuntu@kubernetes-1:~/kubeadm-workshop/demos/loadbalancing$ kubectl -n kube-system get svc NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE elasticsearch 9200/TCP...

Was trying out the workshop and ran into some trouble when minion nodes try to join the master. Running on 16.04 (xenial). ``` ubuntu@k8-1:~/kubeadm-workshop$ kubeadm version kubeadm version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"6",...

Given VPN connectivity exists and nodes can talk to each other like local network will this work with few machines being Raspberry Pi's and others including the master being EC2...

Could you explain or point to some background information why these lines are needed? And what would be their default settings? ``` proxy-client-cert-file: "/etc/kubernetes/pki/front-proxy-client.crt" proxy-client-key-file: "/etc/kubernetes/pki/front-proxy-client.key" ```

When this PR is merged https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/44258 cc @wlan0

In combination with the cloud-controller-manager that handles the cloudy stuff, the networking should be a plain CNI bridge; set by a DaemonSet that drops the following file in `/etc/cni/net.d` on...