Wesley Luyten
Wesley Luyten
related #250 this is not really a bug but I see you're trying to use only the video player which is not officially supported yet. we're going to add this...
there's a `next-video/player` and `next-video/background-player` export available in the latest release 1.1.0 these are just the player and will not attempt to upload the video... example: next-video-demo.vercel.app/player-only main/examples/default-provider/app/(default)/player-only/page.tsx
thanks for the report! 1. I've seen the first hls.js onError bug as well, luckily it's only appearing in next dev. In production there is no error. 2. The hydration...
fixed in https://github.com/video-dev/hls.js/issues/6201 we'd need to upgrade hls.js in mux-video-react
Thanks for this feedback! we're going to make this possible, seems this is often requested.
there's a `next-video/player` export available in the latest release 1.1.0 example: https://next-video-demo.vercel.app/player-only https://github.com/muxinc/next-video/blob/main/examples/default-provider/app/(default)/player-only/page.tsx
thanks for reporting. could you provide an online demo or codesandbox? that would help a lot in debugging. Here you can fork https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/next-video-mux-j9nn73?file=%2F.codesandbox%2Ftasks.json or https://github.com/muxinc/next-video/tree/main/examples/default-provider https://next-video-demo.vercel.app/
thanks! this looks great already! will add some notes
thanks for contributing this so far! we will soon help on this feature as we plan to add support for an online upload flow (UGC). did you plan to add...
I got the same error as @heff. from this line https://github.com/muxinc/next-video/blob/962a0f0ada4d5a14de009d59523eaeea01a8c8b5/src/cli/sync.ts#L128-L128 should be easy to make it known if it comes from `@mux/node` in the stack trace