Pan Yue
Pan Yue
seems vuejs only supports Android 4.2+ and iOS (6?/)7+ Some mobile manufacturers customize their default browser, which will also cause this issue.
Guess you need these config in your`.babelrc` ``` { "presets": [ ["es2015", { "modules": false }], "stage-2" ], "plugins": [ "transform-export-extensions" ] } ```
@MagoDev stylus-loader and related loaders are required. Please try rambii's solution. @rambii Thank you for provide the solution. Thanks!
@ankurk91 Guess I need to make a project to pre-build these components. Then these loaders will become unessential for using vue bulma components. I will do this late. Thanks.
There is no need to set `type="date"` and a simple demo is [here](
related issue. #48 I will try to find a way to fix this. Thanks guys!
Sorry for replying so late. I'm going to upgrade version of Bulma for vue-admin and fix this issue these days.
Yes, will do. Unpackaged vue file is not convenient.