NetRAX copied to clipboard
New experimental setup
For all experiments, we will have (unless mentioned otherwise):
- number of MSA sites = 1000 * (number of displayed trees)
- perfect sampling: sites are sampled proportionally to the displayed tree probability
- each displayed tree gets its own partition in the MSA
- all reticulations with probability 0.5
- we will not simulate any "weird" networks (this is, networks with unrecoverable reticulations)
- two setups: starting from raxml-ng best tree vs. starting from 5 parsimony trees + 5 random trees
- two likelihood models: LikelihoodModel.BEST and LikelihoodModel.AVERAGE
I am scripting and then submitting the following experiments:
- 10 taxa, 1 reticulation with probability in {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5} (fixed topology per dataset, just changing the reticulation prob).
- 10 taxa, 1 reticulation, brlen_scaler in {1,2,4,8} (fixed topology per dataset, just scaling the branches).
- 10 taxa, number of reticulations in {1,2,3}
- 10 taxa, 1 reticulation, unpartitioned dataset, LikelihoodModel.AVERAGE
I chose 10 taxa, because it is not super few taxa, but also not extremely large.