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Setup and install a Don't Starve Together dedicated server.

Ansible role Don't Starve Together dedicated server

Setup and install one or more Don't Starve Together dedicated server.

caves included :mushroom:


The Steam CMD client must be present on the targeted host. You may use this role in combination with this role for Steam cmd to ease things up.

In any case you can simply point to your existing installation with the help of these variables:

steamcmd_user: steam
steamcmd_user_home: /home/{{ steamcmd_user }}/
steamcmd_directory: /home/{{ steamcmd_user }}/cmd/

Role Variables

# steamcmd configuration
steamcmd_user: steam
steamcmd_user_home: /home/{{ steamcmd_user }}/
steamcmd_directory: /home/{{ steamcmd_user }}/cmd/
  username: anonymous

# app wide configuration
dst_app_id: 343050
dst_install_dir: '{{ steamcmd_user_home }}apps/dontstarvetogether/'
dst_server_token: ~ # proves ownership of Don’t Starve Together

# world
dst_world_preset: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER

# network
dst_server_as_a_service: true
dst_server_name: "[Host]'s World"
dst_server_description: Once uppon a time in a quite hostile world.
dst_server_port: 10999
dst_server_password: password
dst_server_save_slot: ~  # which save slot should the dedicated server load
dst_server_intention: cooperative
dst_max_players: 6 # 1..64
dst_pvp: false # true | false
dst_game_mode: survival # endless | survival | wilderness
dst_enable_autosaver: true # creates a save at the start of each day, which will be resumed from when the server restarts
dst_enable_snapshots: false # allow GSAs the ability to fully roll back a server to an older state
dst_tick_rate: 30 # quality of the server, higher tick rate consumes more bandwidth and CPU
dst_connection_timeout: 8000 # time in milliseconds that the server should wait before dropping a non responsive client
dst_enable_vote_kick: false # vote kick allows users to vote to kick players that are disrupting the game
dst_pause_when_empty: true # pause the simulation when the dedicated server is empty
dst_offline_server: false

# steam
dst_disable_cloud: true

# misc
dst_console_enabled: true
dst_autocompiler_enabled: true

# shard
dst_shard_enable: false # enable different server to work together
dst_shard_is_master: false # define the master server
dst_shard_name: overworld # define the shard name
dst_shard_cluster_key: change_this_if_you_set_bind_ip
dst_shard_master_ip: ~ # set the master server IP
dst_shard_id: "{{ dst_shard_name | to_uuid }}"

Example Playbook

Setup a classical survival Don't Starve Together server:

- hosts: myhostname
    dst_server_token: myUniqueServerToken
    - lutangar.dontstarvetogether

Setup a classical overworld server plus a caves server for spelunking:

- hosts: myhostname
    dst_server_token: myUniqueServerToken
    - { role: lutangar.dontstarvetogether, dst_shard_enable: true, dst_shard_is_master: true }
    - { role: lutangar.dontstarvetogether, dst_shard_enable: true, dst_world_preset: DST_CAVES, dst_server_port: 11000, dst_shard_name: caves, master_ip: }

Remember there's only one master server, and other servers must set the master's IP and a different port number.

This setup would creates 2 system services named after the shard name, allowing to stop, start and restart servers individually:

service dst-overworld restart
service dst-caves restart

Don't forget to open the host ports to access the servers from the outside.


