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Library and Utilities for interacting with Rundeck from Go


Build Status

Go library and utilities for interacting with Rundeck.

Legacy SHA

As promised, I've removed the older paths from the repo entirely. If you aren't using some sort of go dependency management, you should be.

The state of the repo that had the old src and pkg/rundeck.v19 paths are available at the following SHA:



The following is a small guide to the design of the project

Isolation request and response from golang api

Requests/responses to/from the rundeck api are distinct from the higher level library.

Version support

Min/Max version support exists around funcs that perform API operations.

I try VERY hard to specify the absolute minimum version a user can get away with but in some cases where there are breaking api changes.

I've also added environment variable support for specifying the version of the rundeck API you want to use. This can be used with the unified rundeck binary.

unified rundeck binary

One of the pain points I faced as a maintainer was updating all the individual binaries when I migrated to a new API release. Combined with the new version constraints in functions and the RUNDECK_VERSION environment variable, I can now offer a binary that should hopefully work across versions of the rundeck server.

As an example:

$ rundeck logstorage get
| false    |             | 0         | 0      | 0      | 0     | 0          | 1       |

$ RUNDECK_VERSION=14 rundeck logstorage get
Error: Requested API version (14) does not meet the requirements for this api call (min: 17, max: 21)


  • set RUNDECK_URL to the base url of your rundeck installation (i.e. http://localhost:4000 or https://my.rundeck.domain.com)
  • if all three are set RUNDECK_TOKEN takes precendence
  • RUNDECK_VERSION can be used if you're running a lower version of the rundeck server api but nothing has changed in newer versions.


There are two ways to use this:

  • as a library
  • request/response types
  • via the unified binary, rundeck

as a library

package main

import (
    rundeck "github.com/lusis/go-rundeck/pkg/rundeck"

func main() {
    client, clientErr := rundeck.NewClientFromEnv()
    if clientErr != nil {
    data, err := client.ListProjects()
    if err != nil {
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("%+v\n", data)

request/response types

As part of some design changes to the library, you can now just import the request/response types. If you don't like my golang API and want to write your own, you can still benefit from the work I did ;)

package main

import (

    responses "github.com/lusis/go-rundeck/pkg/rundeck.v21/responses"

// SystemInfo represents the rundeck server system info output
type SystemInfo responses.SystemInfoResponse

// GetSystemInfo gets system information from the rundeck server
// http://rundeck.org/docs/api/index.html#system-info
func main() {
    ls := SystemInfo{}
    // data is populated via some mechanism where you get rundeck api json
    jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(data, &ls)
    if jsonErr != nil {

rundeck unified binary

$ go get github.com/lusis/go-rundeck/cmd/rundeck
$ RUNDECK_URL=http://rundeck.local:4440 RUNDECK_TOKEN=XXXXXXX rundeck help
Unified rundeck cli binary

  rundeck [command]

Available Commands:
  execution   operate on individual rundeck executions
  executions  operate on rundeck multiple rundeck executions at once
  help        Help about any command
  http        perform authenticated http operations against a rundeck server. kinda like curl
  job         operate on individual rundeck jobs
  jobs        operate on rundeck multiple rundeck jobs at once
  list        list various things from the rundeck server
  logstorage  operate on rundeck logstorage
  policy      operate on rundeck acl policies
  project     operate on a rundeck project
  token       operate on an individual token in rundeck
  tokens      operate on rundeck api tokens