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[Tooltip] - Tooltip does not disappear when wrapped with nuxt-link after navigating
Steps to Reproduce
<nuxt-link to="/assignments/addassignment">
<div class="floating">
<vs-button class="rounded-circle" circle>
<!-- <div slot="reference" class="btn btn-primary floating rounded-circle"> -->
<font-awesome-icon class="icon" :icon="['fa', 'plus']" />
<template #animate>
<!-- </div> -->
<template #tooltip>
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The tooltip should disappear on navigating to the next page
The tooltip remains intact after navigating to the next page
This is not a nuxt specific issue, it is in fact a big bug of the tooltip on its own that is not being destroyed correctly, I have already fixed this issue in an unmerged PR #873 but if you're not willing to wait you can use npm install fixed-vuesax
I'm publishing bug fixes regularly and have linted the lib as it seems it is really lacking in quality testing
List of fixes compared to this one VSPagination: Tons of issue => refactored to computed properties VSTableExpanded: The expanded component was not inheriting properties from it's parent and was not cleaned up properly on destroy VSTooltip: Did not display if it had only 1 child element and was not destroyed correctly (leaving added elements to the body: your issue) VSTable: Clean up VSDropdown: Impossible to open on chrome
And some more
Is there documentation on your package?
You can use the same doc as vuesax or the one in the README, there was no api change (that I recall at least) I only fixed a thousand bugs in the lib
But if you're starting from scratch, I highly recommend switching to a better one like quasar for vue 3 or vuetify for vue 2