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Will you consider supporting vue3?
As title Vue 3.0 is about to be released, will you consider supporting it?
I guess the whole library could be brought back to sfc (.vue) as vue 3 fully supports TS.
I guess the whole library could be brought back to sfc (.vue) as vue 3 fully supports TS.
Vuesax4 is still in Alpha, no burden of old users
Maybe Vuesax4 can be a Vue3 library without considering Vue2 compatibility? 👍
We are already working on support with vue 3, we have problems with the documentation since it is in vuepress and it still does not have support for vue 3
we are already migrating the components to vue 3
@luisDanielRoviraContreras is there anywhere we can track the progress of this migration? I am currently working on a Vue 3 application and would be happy to delay the development of certain areas if we can make use of this library in the near future.
@luisDanielRoviraContreras any update on this? I also want to use Vuesax in a Vue 3 project, can you give some esitmate when it will be ready to use?
@marjangvg are you sure? It's under GPLv3 which means you'd have to release it under Apache 2.0 or GPLv3.
We are going to create a new branch with the migration to v3 but when I have already advanced part of the migration so that if someone wants to help know how to do it
Regarding the license, this license is provisional - when vuesax comes out of the beta we will change the license to MIT
@luisDanielRoviraContreras don't get me wrong I'm all in favour of opensource, even in case of GPL but in case of component libraries... LGPL could work better (than GPLv3) - if you modify the library you release those changes otherwise you don't have to. You just need to link that library dynamically. Of course it's easier to use MIT licensed library due to the dynamic linking requirement with LGPL as webpack could bundle it without any license violation.
I'd love to contribute. Do you have any code contribution guideline? I mean if you'd accept components as SFC.
Hi, What's the progress? 🤩
The Discord for Vuesax seems to think that this project has been abandoned. I hope not, I would love to use Vuesax along with Vue 3.0
anyone know something new about that? we need vuesax support back.
me too...please support Vue 3.0!
Does anyone know what's with Vue 3 support?
what happened to this?
what happened to this?
I'm trying, like for a week, using the vue 3 + vuesax, but it seems to be impossible.
Hey, what's the progress on this? Would love to use this with vue3 / nuxt! ♥