Ronald Lonnborg Jr

Results 22 comments of Ronald Lonnborg Jr

Used the

Same error on manual build as well.

I am sorry, when I say manual build, I meant: dotnet publish -c Release --framework net6.0 -o ../../build

Won't build on Ubuntu 21 either. Same error MSB3073.

/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/include/avx2intrin.h(913,1): error G2ABF96FA: inlining failed in call to 'always_inline' '__m256i _mm256_xor_si256(__m256i, __m256i)': target specific option mismatch [/home/XXXXXXXX /miningcore/src/Miningcore/Miningcore.csproj]

Must be a Microsoft dotnet issue, maybe some update. I tried build it on a different server using Ubuntu 18.04 and get the same error.

I perform fresh Ubuntu 21.04 install and installed using the and it performed the same error.

I think the problem is inside the XMR build. from xmrig/crypto/cn/gpu/cn_gpu_avx.cpp:30: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11/include/avx2intrin.h: In function ‘void double_compute_wrap(const __m256&, const __m256&, const __m256&, const __m256&, float, float, const __m256&, __m256&, __m256i&) [with...

> I cannot reproduce this problem on any system. On fresh server installs?

I think the error is in the for RandomX. I will test further when I get home from work this evening.