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Ultra performant API Gateway with middlewares. A project hosted at The Linux Foundation

Results 78 lura issues
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Fixes #597 Check if next proxy resp is nil when returning early when there's an error If resp is not nil, for instance when we have a merged response and...

**Environment info:** * KrakenD version: 2.0.5 * lura version: 2.0.5 * System info: docker * Backend technology: Go **Describe the bug** plugin/req-resp-modifier in an endpoint is not called if one...

When mTLS is used, the set of valid CA certificates is initialized from the systems certificate pool: If my understanding is correct, these are the certificates stored in e.g....

Is there anyone can help me to build one endpoint with below scenario? backend A -----> backend B(rely on the result from A) -----> backend D(rely on the result from...

Hello everyone. I had some issue with sequential requests like this:
 ```json { "$schema": "", "version": 3, "name": "API Gateway", "port": 8080, "output_encoding": "json", "timeout": "10000ms", "cache_ttl": "300s", "write_timeout": "10s",...

Hello, We are interested in using the transformation from rest to graphql, so far we were able to perform the consumption with a configuration similar to this: `{ "version": 3,...

**Describe the bug** The HTTP request context is not propagated to the proxy level, which leads not to getting an HTTP cancel signal into the client plugin as well as...

**Describe the bug** The README under "Library Usage" states that there is an examples folder. However this seems to be missing. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: Check for...

**Describe the bug** The Go 1.18 release has deprecated `strings.Title` due to issues in how it handles Unicode. The recommended replacement for it is `cases.Title`.